(Fire Storms POV)
I was asleep on the new island with the rest of the gang. I felt something was wrong though, so I woke up and saw that Tuffnut was gone.
"Welp...this can't be good"
I got up quietly and went into the woods to find him. 'I've been walking for a few minutes now, maybe he went back to camp already' I thought to myself as I started going back to camp. When I heard someone yelling so I ran as fast as I could back to the others. As soon as I got back I saw Tuffnut talking to the others about some "big roaring chicken"?
"Oh Fire Storm, did you see anything out there?"
Hiccup said after they noticed I was here.
"No I didn't, I went out to look for Tuffnut but I heard someone screaming so I ran back here"
"No one else is buying this, right?"
Astrid said as she yawned.
"Alright let's just check this out so we can all go to sleep"
Hiccup said as the riders went back into the woods. Toothless walked up next to me.
"No peace and quiet, even at night huh"
He said as he yawned.
"I'm with you in that, none what so ever-ow!"
I turned around to see Stormfly, she did not look happy.
"Oh right she's mad because you left in the middle of the night"
Meatlug whispered to me.
"Well you did just leave out of no where, and she got all sorts of worried about you"
Stormfly walked up to me putting her face right in front of mine. I noticed the others backed away..welp I'm on my own. She was really angry, smoke coming out of her nostrils and mouth. I closed my eyes expecting to get hit. And wouldn't you know it she did, she head butted me and I fell down.
"Ow..ok I deserved that"
I said as I rubbed my head laying down on the ground. I heard Hookfang laughing behind Stormfly, she slapped him with her tail. We all started to laugh. The riders came back and said "there wasn't anything". We all laid down and Stormfly cuddled with me and she wrapped her tail around mine to make sure I didn't leave again. I wrapped my wing around her as a way of saying 'sorry'. We all fell back asleep, but before I did I smelled something...strange? I didn't know what it was so I just forgot about it and went back to sleep.(The next day)
Ahhh another beautiful and peaceful-
"I need that rock!"
Oh right..never mind then. I woke up to hear Snotlout yelling about wanting some rock? I guess the riders were thinking of what the base will look like, since we can't fly back and forth from Berk. I got up and stretched my wings as I yawned. I looked around and saw that Tuffnut was gone again. "He's probably looking for that dragon again" I thought to myself. I decided walk around a bit, then the other dragons started walking with me.
"About time you wake up"
Hookfang said as everyone chuckled a little.
"Oh ha ha ha"
I said sarcastically.
"Heh you gotta admit though you slept for a while, your usually the first one awake"
Stormfly said to me chuckling a little.
"Yeah I know it took a bit for me to fall asleep after the whole 'chicken' thing last night"
I said as I rubbed my eyes with my wings.
"Also did any of you smell something last night?"
I asked hoping someone else did. Sadly they all said "no".
"What's it smell like?"
Meatlug asked me.
"I don't know, it was different then anything I've smelled before"
They all looked puzzled because they didn't smell anything.
"Eh it was probably nothing to worry about-"
I was cut off by being hit by Fishlegs and Snotlout fighting over a rock. Then Astrid joined in not entirely sure why though. Then I see Hiccup and the twins get on their dragons to fly off to somewhere. The other dragons went to find something to eat for later. So I was stuck with the three Vikings fighting over a rock...great just great. I shot a plasma blast near them making them stop and stare at me. I grabbed the rock in my mouth, threw it up in the air, then hit it with my tail launching it into the ocean. They all stood there with open mouths.
"Oh please, it's just a rock"
I said as I went to get a drink from a pond that was in the woods. I heard a branch snap and I looked around. I listened and sniffed the air to try and see if something was near me. I didn't smell or hear anything...strange. I heard another branch snap behind me, so I used my wing and swung at whatever it was. I accidentally cut down a tree in the process.
I said to myself. "Actually never mind, fire wood" I said to myself as I picked it up in my mouth. I checked to see if there was anything that made the branches snap. Sadly nothing, I decided to walk back to camp to see the others looking up in the sky? Toothless, Hiccup, the twins, Barf and Belch were still gone as well. I put the tree down so I could talk.
"Hey what are you guys doing?"
They all looked at me and Stormfly sighed of relief and walked up towards me.
"Where were you?"
"I was getting a drink at a pond I found, and I got the tree for fire wood as well"
I said as I picked up the tree in my mouth.
"We all got worried that you might've flew off...like forever"
I put the tree back down and rubbed my head against hers.
"Heh why would I leave huh? You guys are the only family I got, I'd never leave you guys"
I said to her as she rubbed her head against mine.
"Heh ok good, because I'm not afraid to headbutt you again"
She said as we both laughed.
"Yeah I know"
I picked up the tree again and we both walked back to the others. I put the tree down and sit next to the fire.
"Where were you at?"
Meatlug asked me.
"Oh I went to get a drink and luckily I got us more fire wood"
I said as I whipped the tree with my tail cutting a piece of it off and put it in the fire.
"Where'd you learn that?"
Fishlegs asked me as he was looking for, what I was guessing, was the Book of Dragons.
"Well I found out a little bit ago when I realized I have sharp wings like a Timberjack"
Everyone opened their mouths to be surprised on my traits being the same as different dragons.
"You act like I ain't told y'all already I have traits of different dragons"
They all stopped staring at me as Fishlegs put more information about me...again. But I started to hear screeching far away and I heard Barf and Belch along with Toothless. Then I heard them come back with a weird little dragon that was white. They were all saying how it looked like a Terrible Terror but bigger and meaner. They ended up calling it a Night Terror, then we all heard loud roars like a dragon in distress. We all took flight to see more Night Terrors being attacked and eaten by Change Wings. We all decided to help out and even the odds. We charged in but I got tackled down by a Change Wing towards the ground. It tried to bite my head but I kept dodging and kicked it off me. I got up ready to shoot a Plasma Blast at it. Next thing I know I see more Change Wings appearing all around me. I don't think the others knew I was down here so I was on my own. They didn't attack but they circled me making sure I didn't run or anything.
"Why are you here!"
I roared at them as they kept circling me.
"The little dragons are all alone so an easy dinner for us"
One of the Change Wings said in response. One of them started getting closer to me and I shot spikes out of my tail toward them making him jump back. Then they stopped moving to see what I just did. I growled to show them that I'm not one to mess with.
"I..it's you?!"
They all started bowing their heads as they all started to apologize towards me.
"What do you mean?"
"Your the legendary dragon, the one that every dragon talks about"
"We thought it was just a myth!"
I was very confused..me a legendary dragon?
"The myth is told that the dragon will have the power of ALL living dragons"
"No that can't be me...I mean sure I have the traits of a few dragons but not all of them"
Then a bunch of Change Wings started flying away roaring "retreat!!" As a big version of the Night Terrors appeared. All the others left except one of them.
"If you wanna know more then meet me at the west side of the island, I'll be on the beach waiting"
Then they flew off and vanished. I decided to fly back to the others as they were already at the camp. I looked up to see the Night Terrors make themselves look like Toothless. I laughed a little because he was saying "look it's me" as he was smiling and everything. I joined them as they all saw me asking where I was...I didn't wanna tell them what the Change Wings said so I lied.
"Oh um there were Change Wings on the ground so I flew down to deal with them"
"Ah ok"
Hiccup said as we all decided to call it a night. Everyone got around a fire ready to fall asleep. Stormfly was looking at me ready to cuddle.
"I think it's best I stay up, you know just Incase those Change Wings want round 2 heh"
"Ok fair enough but make sure you get a little sleep ok?"
I nodded as I rubbed my head against hers and she went to sleep. I stood there for a few minutes before I decided to go to the beach. I landed as I looked around for the Change Wing. I saw them in the trees.
"Alright I see you"
"Dang it hehe"
They said as they crawled down the tree and walked towards me.
"So speak up about this little...prophecy about me"
"Ok so basically you and your kind are supposed to be the gods of dragons basically, but your kind decided to be the protectors of all dragons even alphas and queens"
I was silent for a bit, I decided to tell them.
"Well um...I'm the last of my kind...every other Blood Fury is dead.."
I said as I turned around with my head down. The Change Wing was quiet. I sat at the edge of the beach looking into the water. The Change Wing decided to sit next to me as well.
"So what happened..?"
I sighed as a tear went down my cheek.
"My...brother, a Shadow Fury, mind controlled me making me kill everyone...and he erased my memory afterwards.."
I wiped my face with my wing as I looked away from the Change Wings shocked look on their face.
"That's horrible..."
"Yeah I know...I'm not the dragon you guys think I am, I'm just a....monster"
I said as I stretched my wings ready to take off when..the Change Wing licked my cheek. Then they started to rub their head against my neck.
"You weren't in control, it wasn't your fault"
I looked away and they scooted closer to me wrapping their wing around me. I realized they were a girl..it's always the girls after me for some reason. I laid down and scooted back to get out of her wing.
"I should probably go"
"Oh..ok well my caves right there so if you ever wanna talk I'm here"
I said as she licked my cheek again and walked into her cave.
"Wait what's your name?"
"Just call me Mage"
I said "goodbye" and flew off back to the camp. I landed next to Stormfly and cuddled with her.Welp another LOOONG chapter X3 but hope u like it cya later peeps bye.

The New Breed (A HTTYD story)
FanfictionIt has been nearly three years, Dagur has been sent behind bars. The gang is all finding their roles back at Berk, and peace is restored once again. Little do they know of the new adventure that's was about to begin. When they meet a new dragon..one...