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The couple spent the last three days in the beach house before they go back home. They had their fun but Mark had to go back for everything he missed. Donghyuck wanted to go back to work in the village but Mark didn't even think twice to say no. He didn't want the beta to work if he can do it for them. The beta still needs to take a rest for him to fully recover.

Arriving in their home, Mark carried their luggage to their room. Donghyuck sat on the couch, arms crossed with a frown on his face. The alpha did notice it when he was just about to tell that he was going. He sat down beside the beta, he wrapped his arm around the shoulders and pulled the beta closer.

"I can't let you go to work, love," Mark said softly.

"You're being over dramatic. I can do it already."

"Listen to me. You still need to recover and rest."

Donghyuck pouted like a poor puppy. Mark sighed, the beta knows him too well. He couldn't resist Donghyuck when he's like this. His cuteness really takes everything away. Well, Donghyuck always gets what he wants.

"Okay, fine."

The beta's face lightened up and gasped with a wide smile. He was about to hug the alpha but something came up.

"You'll go with me in the village but still, you won't work," Mark said.

Donghyuck nodded, "Deal."

"Where's my kiss? I gave you what you wanted, right?"

"But, don't you want something more than a kiss?"

Mark raised his eyebrow, "A hug?"

Donghyuck shook his head with a smile, looking all innocent but he isn't.

"It's in our bedroom. Wanna check it out tonight?"

The alpha chuckled and pulled the beta for a kiss on the lips, "But we just did it."

"Oh well, it's your loss, love," Donghyuck teased before he stood up from the couch and goes upstairs to change his clothes. Mark stood up as well.

"Wait. Can I still check it out right now? Love? Hyuck?" Mark called and followed Donghyuck upstairs.

"Oh, you guys are already here!" Jungwoo shouted as he ran to hug Donghyuck, "When did you arrive?"

"We just arrived a while ago," Mark answered while they walk towards the mansion to see the others. He does want to tell them about what happened but he should shut his mouth if he's being too explicit.

They walked inside and surprised to hear loud chattering in the dining room. The three was about to go and check but a small kid came out and ran up to them as soon as he realized it was his uncles.

"Uncle Hyuckie!" Blue squealed and ran up to the beta for him to get carried by him, "How was the beach?"

"It was great--"

"Expect to have a cousin real soon, Blue," Mark said but Donghyuck elbowed his side, causing him to groan in pain.

"Eh?! You guys..."

The beta just sighed because of Jungwoo's unfinished statement, "Let's not talk about it."

Mark left the two and walked into the room to surprise everybody, and he did. Jaehyun stood up to greet his "soulmate", though it is originally Taeyong, and hug him to welcome him back. The Alpha pulled away to mess the other alpha's. Donghyuck and Jungwoo soon came in with Blue in the beta's arms. They asked about how was the vacation.

Mark being a proud alpha, he kept saying to keep their fingers crossed for Donghyuck to get pregnant. Now, everyone is asking them how the experience was and telling some jokes about it.

After their afternoon gathering, everybody goes back to their work and same goes for Mark. Being a pouty beta, the alpha came to comfort his mate again.

"I'll come back then we'll go back home. Don't be a pouty baby, okay?" Mark kissed Donghyuck's pouty lips from behind while the beta was seating on the couch to keep an eye for Gray and Blue who are currently playing on a mat with toys.

Donghyuck looked back, still pouting. Mark just rubbed the beta's arm and kissed his shoulder.

"I still owe you one tonight, right? I'll make it up to you, I promise," Mark whispered, "We'll have fun all night."

Donghyuck blushed, "Get out."

The alpha just chuckled before walking out of the mansion, leaving the beta with the children. Without Taeyong and Jaehyun, Donghyuck looked like he's babysitting his own children. He already got too attached to Blue and maybe he could make Gray like him as well. Though it seemed fun to just watch the kids play, Donghyuck was still bored and he really wanted to go back to work to make himself useful.

Donghyuck snapped out of his thoughts as he felt small hands pressed against his tummy.

"What are you doing, baby?" Donghyuck asked Blue.

"Is it true I'll be getting a cousin, uncle?"

Donghyuck chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair. He really is Jaehyun's son, too excited about everything, "I hope so."

"Then I'll wish to Santa Claus for it," Blue said.

"Christmas isn't even near yet, bub."

Blue flashed a dimpled smile, "Even though it's not Christmas, he still listens and give good children gifts."

Taeyong really kept telling them stories. Anyway, Donghyuck didn't want to ruin the child's childhood.

"Have you been a good kid while I was gone? You didn't make mommy and daddy mad?"

Blue nodded enthusiastically, "I have been helping them with taking care of Gray."

"I'm sure Santa will grant your wish--"

Not again.

Donghyuck immediately carried Blue and Gray as he heard a shot, a gunshot to be exactly. Everything suddenly went back and felt himself getting anxious. But he put his emotions aside and ran upstairs to put the children into their parent's bedroom. Blue seemed to be in shock with the sound.

Another was heard and scared the crap out of everyone. Blue was obviously scared and Donghyuck just sat down on the bed with them. He carried Gray to make him relaxed, he was so sure the baby was anxious because of the foreign sound.

"Uncle...?" Blue called him.

Donghyuck put his finger against his lips, "L-Let's just stay here and keep quiet. I-I'm sure your mommy and daddy will come in soon."

The door of the bedroom slammed open, revealing Taeyong. He was surely worried but something was much something to be worried about. Donghyuck stood up and walk towards the omega. Before he could even say anything, Taeyong pulled him into a hug.

"I want you to stay strong, Hyuck."

Donghyuck felt himself weak. He was speechless and too afraid to know what happened. Tears started streaming down his cheeks.

"Mark was shot."

Love and Pretend-MARKHYUCKWhere stories live. Discover now