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Kiara's p.o.v

"Owch" I groaned while rolling to my side to turn of my alarm from my iPhone. I could feel the sun rise upon my face causing me to squint.

I dreaded this day. My first day at a new school because my dad just loves to travel. ( Note the sarcasm )

I get up and walk across the hall to wake up my brothers quietly.

"Jack, Kian get up now"

The both groan and stretch and say they'll be ready in 10 minutes or so. I went back into my room and changed into black leggings and a black hoodie and my dirty white converses, I walk downstairs and my brothers follow, they are wearing the exact same thing except Kian's hoodie is yellow and Jack's hoodie is army green along with some black trackies.

We arrive at school and find our way to the office, we grab our schedules and locker combinations.

"I'm going to find my locker, I'll see you guys later" I said quietly

"Bye sis, love you" they said at the same time and pecked my cheeks and went the other direction.

I walk into the classroom to see a bunch of kids staring at me. Great, just great. I have a quick chat with the teacher and take a seat in the back next to a big window.

It was finally lunch and I was excited because all my classes were boring. I start walking to the cafeteria and as I turn the corner I bumped into someone.

"Ow whoops, sorry" I squeaked as I clutched the aching pain in my shoulder from the incident the other day, I quickly picked up my books and started to walk away.

"Watch where you're going... girl " he said with an emotionless face.

I stood up and rolled my eyes and observed him or in other words checked him out. Sue me. He was around 6'2. Dear lord. Wow he had hazel like puppy dog eyes, floppy brown hair and a dimple on his right cheek, he was built and pretty much towered over me considering I'm 5'4. I start to walk away when he talks and holy mother of Christ it's like an angel is speaking, it's so husky and deep...

" you aren't just going to walk away and not give me a proper apology? " he said

"Uhhh nope" I said rushing to the cafeteria, I didn't want to attract attention to myself so I had to leave as soon as possible.

School ended and I went to the front and waited for my brothers to show up.

"Hey Kiki" Kian said as he pecked my cheek.

"Hey sis"Jack said after and also gave me a peck on the cheek.

We made small talk on the way home and the twins told me the made friends which was great to hear. We started to see our house come into view and we started walking slower dreading of going inside...

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