She could never love you

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Kiara's p.o.v

I stare at him with disgust and wish he would die right then and there. He smirks at me and chuckles before walking closer to me. I look at him and don't see the loving father that comforted me when there was a bad storm, or when I skinned my knees riding a bike for the first time and definitely not the loving father that came to all the presentations when I received an award.

This man in front of me was a monster and he knew it, he knew that he was capable of doing whatever to me and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it because he thinks he has made me weaker and weaker every year. I may be physically weak but mentally I've grown stronger and it's made me a better person than what he will ever be.

"What do you want from me?" I ask with a venomous tone and before I can comprehend anything, I am off the ground with my fathers grubby hands around my neck.

He's strangling me and won't let go.

This is it.

"If it weren't for you, your mother would still be here, she would still love me" he says with so much anger.

"She-e-e coul-d never-r l-l-love you" I manage to breath out. His grip tighten and I see specks of black dots and I know that this is it, I'm about to die. Who will take care of the twins? Where will they go? Will father hurt them?

I try my hardest to stay awake when all of a sudden I fall to the ground with a loud thump. I see the twins fighting my dad and holding him down. Kian holds him down and Jack runs over to me asking if I'm okay. I see Kian punching my dad and my dad then gets on top of Kian and starts punching and Jack is staring at them in shock.

Who knew my brothers were so strong?

He manages to get out of my fathers hold and pins my dad on the wooden floors and straddles him and keeps punching him in the face. I hear Kian yelling that he wishes that our dad would die, he wishes that he was never our father and he wishes to not have to watch me suffer through all this pain. Kian then stops and breaths heavily while I see my father with a bloody face and tied up with tape.

I try my hardest to stay awake but I can't manage to breath properly after the chocking from my father, the fight and I feel so overwhelmed about everything, I just want everything to stop and for my brothers to be okay.

"Jack call them" Kian yells out.

"Call who?" I say while on the verge of passing out.

"The cops" is the last thing I hear before everything goes black...

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