Forgetting popcorn

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Riven's p.o.v

Right now I'm getting ready to go over to my girls house. She was super excited when I was talking to her on the phone. She couldn't wait for me to come over and stay the night, she told me she bought all my favourite snacks and picked out some of the greatest movies of all time. I was packing clothes and my necessities such as boxers, change of clothes for tomorrow, shorts to sleep in, toothbrush and some more snacks like popcorn because knowing her, she probably forgot popcorn.

I then walk out of my room with my duffle bag slung around my shoulder.

"Riven, are you going now?" My birth giver  says, I look at her and she's all dressed up. She's wearing a dark pink dress that stops above her knees with a black coat draped on her shoulders, her hair is in a neat bun and she's wearing nude heels. She looks gorgeous, I haven't seen her so dressed up since my father and sister were around.

"Going somewhere?" I say while arching an eyebrow.

"I have a date" she says getting all giddy.

"You look ravishing my dearest mother but who is this mystery guy?" I say with a smile.

"His name is Jordan, he's a doctor and I've been going out with him for about a month now"

"When were you going to tell me this?" I say clutching my shirt where my heart is and faking hurt.

"Sorry, RivRiv I'll be sure to tell you everything about my love life as soon as you start telling me about yours" she smirks and I realise I don't really tell her what goes on between Kiara and I.

"Tomorrow we will go out to a beautiful mother-son dinner and we will catch up with each other. Sound like a plan?" She smiles and nods her head and I hear a beep outside.

"Alright Rivy, I have to head out, he is here. Be good, don't forget to lock up when you leave and use protection."

"MUM" I yell and she laughs while walking to the car. They drive off and I grab my keys from the counter and head off to Kiara's house. I arrive less than 5 minutes later and go up to their apartment, I knock on the door and Jack answers and he's dressed up as well. We exchange hellos and do the normal bro hug. Kian walks out and we do the same and he's also dressed up. They are both wearing button ups and black jeans but Kian's is a black button up and Jack's is a navy blue button up.

"Where are you guys going"

"We, my dear friend, are about to go ask our dream girls out" Jack says while slinging his arm over my shoulder and they are both grinning from ear to ear.

"Jack we have to go, don't want to be late" Kian says, looking at his phone.

"See you later Riven" they both say

"Go get em tigers" I say and the laugh. They walk out the door and I head to Kiara's room and knock on her door, she yells to come in and I peek my head through the door.

"Hello darling"

"Heyyyy" She says and jumps off the bed and runs towards me, embracing me in a tight bear hug.

"Miss me so soon?" She pulls away and rolls her eyes.

"Ruined the moment" I laugh and we walk to the bed and get comfy.

"I bought popcorn because I knew you forgot" I say and pull popcorn out of my duffle bag.

"You, my dear, are a life saver" she says and kisses my cheek. The rest of night we eat snacks and have a full on high school musical marathon and then move on to a marvel marathon. We both then start to get tired and get ready for bed. I change into my shorts and no shirt and I walk into the room and Kiara is in a black singlet with tight red shorts and her hair is in a messy bun. She turns around knowing I'm checking her out and she smiles and I smile back and that's when I realise.

"You wear glasses??" I say.

"Yep, surprise?" She laughs and I join in the laughter.

We both get comfy with her head on the pillow and mine on her chest. My arms are wrapped around her waist, afraid she may escape and her hands are on my hair playing with it lightly.

"Goodnight Riv"

"Goodnight Kiara"

And then sleep consumes the both of us.

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