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Kiara's p.o.v

Monday morning. Gross. Over the weekend Kian said sorry so many times I've lost count. I forgave him like I always do because he wasn't in a good headspace and Riven and I just hung out like always and did some grocery shopping.

"Riven" I say trying to get up but his arms tighten around my waist. His head is on my chest and I've been trying to get up in the past 5 minutes but he's just too heavy and he's ruining my morning schedule.

"Riven, we have to get ready for school" I say and play with his hair and he groans.

"I don't want to go"

"Well we need an education so we can get into a good university so... GET UP" and he falls off the bed at the volume of my voice.

"Sorry, love" I give him a kiss and go wake up the boys and we all go get ready.

I chuck on some black ripped jeans and a red oversized adidas t shirt, with my worn out converses. Riven comes to the kitchen wearing black chinos, a red adidas shirt and his worn out converses.

"Copy cat?" I say and he gives me a cheeky smile.

"I might've saw what you picked out for yourself this morning so I decided to matchy match with you" He comes around the counter and hugs me from behind and nuzzles his head in my neck as I cook the eggs.

"Good morning" my brothers say. They are also matching today with brown chinos and yellow polo shirts with their vans.

What's with all the matching today.


"Morning twins" Riven says and goes to butter the toast as the boys sit at the dining table and pour orange juice into our cups.

"Morning boys" I say and plop the eggs on a plate and walk over to the table. We finish eating and then make our way to school.

"EEEEEE" I get out the car and Julia and Stephanie run towards me and hug me so tight I can barely breathe.

"Can't. Breathe." They let go and say they're sorry and it feels as though they haven't seen me in forever. I say hi to everyone else and we all make our way to class.


"So what do you want to do tonight?" Riven says as we make our way to the cafeteria.

"Stay in, watch movies and enjoy each other's company?" I say and he puts his arm around my shoulder and kisses my head.

"Sounds perfect" we then arrive at the cafeteria and sit down with everyone else.

"How long have you guys been official for?" Cameron asks with his eyebrows raised.

"Nearly 6 months" Riven says proudly and I let out a small laugh.

"Yep nearly 6 months" I say and Riven kisses my cheek. The bell rings indicating is to head to our last two classes for the day. Adrian and I make our way to social studies and the rest go to either law studies, english or biology. Adrian and I sit at the back row and the lesson starts. Midway through the lesson the teacher comes up to me and I look at Adrian and he is just as confused as I am.

"Miss Summers?"


"The principle wants to see you" I nod at her and pack up my stuff and get up to leave but Adrian grabs my wrist gently and when I look at him he's pouting.

"Don't leave me with this demon" he whispers and I laugh.

"You'll be aight" he glares at me playfully and I blow him a kiss and wave.

"Toodles, Adrian" and was out with his glare still on me and I smile to myself.

I arrive at the principles office and knock softly on the door. She tells me to come in and I oblige, I walk in and sit down on the chair across from her.

"Miss Summers, nice to see you" she says smiling.

"It's a pleasure always."

"Well you must be wondering why you're here, I assume" I nod and she continues.

"Your father has asked if you could visit him and I know you might not want to but you always have a choice he's at Kingston jail if you want to and I'll make an appointment for you and your brothers for this afternoon"

"Thank you but I do not want the twins to visit him. I will, however, could you make the appointment in two hours and may I leave the school now?" She nods hesitantly and makes the phone call, I then walk to biology because Riven is in that class and I need to speak to him.

I walk in and go to his desk and he looks at me with a questionable look. I sit on his lap and ignore his teacher telling me to get out. I wrap my hands around his neck and pull him into a deep, longing kiss and his hands wrap around my waist. I pull away breathless and he decides to speak.

"Hello?" He says and I laugh.

"I need you to look after the boys this afternoon, I'm visiting my dad and I promise to explain everything when I get home"

"Do you want me to go with you?" He says and I shake my head no.

"I need to do this alone but thank you" he nods and I get off his lap after giving him another kiss. I got to turn around but he pulls me back to his lap and kisses me.

"Be safe, sweet"


"I'll see you tonight, Kiara"

"See you later, Riven" and I make my way to my car and get ready for the hour drive to the jail and to meet my dad.

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