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Kiara's p.o.v

Drip Drip Drip

The rain pours down and I turn my wipers on. The heaters are on which helps warm the goosebumps which are visible on my skin, I pull out my glasses from the case out of my glove compartment  at a red light so I can see clearer as I get nearer and nearer to the jail. I'm lost in my own thoughts and at this moment there's nothing more I would want than to be at home with the boys, watching movies and just being there for one another.


The loud beeps come from behind and I look at the lights and it had flickered to green without me noticing. I begin to drive and soon arrive at the gates of the prison.

I have arrived father.

I thank the guard for opening the gate and go park my car. I walk out in the rain and listen to the sound of the water drops hitting the ground and my shoes stepping in the puddles. The goosebumps are more visible than before and it feels as though I'm about to freeze to death. I tie my hair up in a messy bun and walk up to the administration desk.

"Hello, I'm visiting my dad. His name is Scott Summers" she gives me a look and types away on her computer, her eyes widen and I assume she must've read his criminal record. Yikes.

"Are you sure you want to visit him? After everything he's done to you?" I nod and she gives me a visitor pass and I make my way to the entrance. The guard at the entrance calls another one to guide me to where my father is sitting and to make sure he doesn't try and attempt anything while I'm here. I look around and see all the other prisoners sitting with their family, lovers, loved ones and dome are just sitting alone.

Crying. Alone.

The cop leads me to an empty table and I thank him and take a seat on the cold metal seat and lay my arms on the metal table.

I wait there for what seems like hours and all I hear is a ringing sound and the clock.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Ti-

The noise of the clock is now unheard because the slam of fists on the table take over. I look down from the clock and see my dad sitting across from me. He has a beard now, his eyes are more dull from what I remembered, maybe because they were always bloodshot red but he was still as dirty and smelly as before.

"Hello, Kiki" He says with anger and a bit of sadness.

"Don't call me that. Why did you want me to visit you?" I say with so much hatred in my voice, he crosses his arms and looks at me, probably surprised at my talking back.

"So do tell, dearest father" I say and mirror his action and glare at him.

"I'm. Uhm, I am uhm" I start getting impatient.

"You what?"

"I-I-I'm sorry, I just wanted to see you one last time" it catches me off guard, he looks at his fingers and starts playing with them and I realise I do the same thing when I'm nervous.

"You're w-what?" I say out of shock.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I've been a bad dad all these years, I'm sorry for murdering your mother, abusing you physically and mentally every single day and night. I was just so angry at myself and I hate myself everyday for it. I just wanted to see my kids one last time before they, you know..." I sit in shock.

It's a bit late for an apology old man.

"You know what?" I say. He has tears rimming in his eyes and he is still playing with his fingers.

"Execute me..." He says softly and my eyes widen a bit.

"I've made many mistakes in my life and have had so many bad days but I regret them all Kiara and I don't want to die, please help me, I'm so so so sorry, princess. Just help me get out of here and we can be a happy family again. You, me and the boys, yeah?" with that sentence I'm snapped back in reality and I feel the anger boil inside of me.


"What'd you say, Kiara?"

"I said no. You're not sorry. If you were we would be a happy family from the start. You wouldn't of abused me every single day and every single night. You would be a role model for the boys and be an actual father. I don't even know you anymore. You're not my dad and you never will be" the anger keeps boiling and he glares at me and that's how I know I should make him regret doing everything he's ever done to the boys, me and most importantly mum.

"Mum would be so disappointed in you. we didn't even get a proper childhood. HELL, 
THE BOYS NEVER EVEN HAD AN AMAZING CHILDHOOD AND IT'S YOUR FAULT. The boys and I would never ever shut you out like you did to us. You made us feel worthless, useless, you made us feel like no one could love us because of how brokenness were. You could've, NO YOU SHOULD'VE. Been a better dad but you weren't and you can't change the past and I hope you die a crappy death because guess what." I pause and catch my breath and I watch as his jaw clenched before his speaks.

"What?" He says stiffly and I smile an evil smile.

"I'm glad you're being executed because I hate you. I DETESTATE YOU, I LOATHE YOU AND I ABHORRENT YOU" I'm practically screaming right now and I can feel the looks everyone is giving me but I continue.

"YOU MADE US FEEL POWERLESS AND DEFENCELESS, DO YOU KNOW HOW THAT FEELS??" I look at him and his eyes are soft and he's no longer has an angry expression, it's more sad and filled with regret and sorrow but right now that doesn't matter to me.

"Don't look at me like you regret it because you can't change it. You broke your sons and you broke your very own daughter. YOUR ONLY DAUGHTER. YOUR ONLY FAMILY. Are you happy now? Because guess what. You put up a challenge but you lost and look where it has ended up for you. Goodbye and I'm glad I never get to see you again" I then get up and leave, I walk to my car and turn on the radio to block out my thoughts, the song love you too much by lucky daye and I just listen to it, not sing or jam out to it, just listen to the song and the pouring rain as I make my way home.

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