Chicken nuggets are life

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Kiara's p.o.v

The past day went by fast and the doctor said I'm allowed to go home tomorrow. The twins and Riven made sure to visit me after school and Riven gave me all the homework I missed out on. Right now i was relaxing on the bed with Riven watching Crazy Rich Asians while the twins were out with their friends.

Of course I was okay with them going out, they needed to enjoy the freedom.

"Hey, darling?" Riven says with so much curiosity.

"Yes, Riv?"

"How'd you end up in hospital?" I froze. I didn't know what to tell him. Do I tell him the truth? Do I lie? Do I just get up, jump out the window and save myself? What do I do?

"I uhm got into a car accident?" I say more so of a question tone than a confident tone I was aiming for.

"You sure? You don't seem so confident with your answer" he chuckles as I feel my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

"Yep" i say popping the 'p'

"Well I'm here if you ever want to tell me the real reason" he says while laughing and I tense up because he knows I'm lying. He seems to notice my tensed expression and so he puts an arm around me and pulls me closer to him. We then continue the movie in comfortable silence until the twins come skipping in with McDonald's.

"We bought you guys some food" they say at the same time.

"Stop copying me"

"No you stop copying me" they start to get angry because they keep saying the same thing and Riven and I laugh.

"Okay guys calm down, thank you for the food"

"Yeah thanks boys" Riven says with a mouthful of chips in his mouth.

"Riven, chew with your mouth closed please and don't talk with food in your mouth" he then opens his mouth revealing all the mushed up chips.

"RIVEN" I yell closing my eyes with my hands and he laughs loudly.

"Oh it's on, like donkey kong, Riv" I then put two chicken nuggets in my mouth and start chewing vigorously and open my mouth and he cringes.

"Hypocrite much, Kia?" Riven says playfully. I hit him on the arm and he rubs it like it hurts when really it did no damage. He then frowns and sticks his bottom lip out making him look childish.

"That was mean, darling"

"Awww is someone mad, do you need a kiss on your boo boo to make it better" I say while pinching his cheeks and he smiles sheepishly.

"Yes I do" I then give him a quick kiss on his arm and continue eating my chicken nuggets.

"It feels as though you like chicken nuggets more than you like me" Riven says with a frown.

"It's because I do" I say grinning from ear to ear.

"WHAT??? Should I be jealous of these chicken nuggets???" He says like it's the end of the world.

"Indeed you should, Riven Black, indeed you should"

"And why is that Kiara Summers?"

"Because chicken nuggets are life" I say and give him a nugget. He smiles at me and pecks my lips before eating the nugget and the twins just stare at us with confused looks on their faces.

"Well I think we should go now" Kian says while pulling Jack with him.

"BE SAFE AND USE PROTECTION" we hear Jack say and it makes us laugh.

"This is the life, it's just you and I and my chicken nuggets"  Riven looks over at me and shakes his head with a small smile on his face.

"Wow chicken nuggets are life to you" He says.

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