The "F" bomb

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Kiara's p.o.v

I wake up the next morning with the smell of bacon and cinnamon waffles flowing through the house. I walk out of my room and see Kian cooking bacon while Jack makes the waffles.

"Morning Kiki" the both say.

"Morning boys, smells delicious in here"

"Take a seat, it's nearly done" I head to the dining table and sit and out everyone some orange juice, the boys bring over the food and we start eating.

"How was your date last night?" Jack says.

"Amazing, when are you asking Caroline out" I say with a smirk.

"When Kian asks out Lia" which makes Kian choke on his waffle.

"Who is Lia?" I raise my eyebrow with confusion.

"This girl at our school, she's amazing, she has strawberry blonde hair, these beautiful emerald eyes and this cute little button nose, she's just perfect" he sighs as if he's in déjà vu

"Not as perfect as Caroline" Jack says

"She is so"

"No Caroline is better"

"No Lia"

"No Ca-"

"Okay guys calm down" I say and laugh at how in love they are. We then continue breakfast talking about how the boys are going to ask out their crushes and how they'll do it on the same day. They decided that they will take them to the drive ins and then take them to the local lake because apparently it's really pretty at night and then they'll ask them to be their girlfriend and hopefully they'll say yes.

We talk and laugh and then I had to get ready for work. As I'm getting ready I get a text from the one and only Riven Black and my heart immediately flutters.

Heyyyy darling, what are you doing this fine day?
Bout to get ready for work :(

Aww how awful, do you want a lift?

No thanks but can you pick
me up?

Ofc babe, anything for you :)

Haha thanks love, I have to
go now, I finish at 4 so don't
be late or else !!! 🙃🙃

See you soon babe, be safe and I wouldn't miss it for the world 👹👹

I laugh at the emoji he sent me and then I turn my phone off and put it in my bag and head off.


"BYE KIKI, LOVE YOU TOO!!" They yell back and I head out the door and make my way to work.

6 excruciating hours later and i finally finish work. I say goodbye to my manage and head outside and see Riven's car waiting for me. I hop in and greet him with a peck on the cheek.

"Hey Riv, thanks for picking me up"

"Like I say, anything for you" he says and intertwines our fingers together. We jam out to Riven's playlist which consisted of songs from Jacquees, Russ, Ali gatie, Blueface, Yg and all those cool artists.

We finally arrive at my place and I take off my seatbelt and go to kiss Riven on the lips. He then grabs my waist and pulls me on to him and we end up kissing for longer than I had intended. I finally pull away and he groans and leans his head against the seat with his head tilting up.

"I have to get home babe, the boys are waiting"

"Okay I'll see you soon?" He says with hope in his facial features.

"Of course" I say and give him another kiss and hop out of the car, I wave goodbye to him and head inside my apartment building. I get to my door and open it and see two strangers sitting on the couch and my brothers standing up.

"What's going on"

"These people want to put us in a foster home" Kian says wth disgust as both boys glare at them.

"What? A foster home???" I say with my voice raising lightly.

"Yeah a foster home..." Jack says.

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