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Riven's p.o.v

"Kiara, baby, lets talk about this" I try and walk backwards but Kiara is pushing my back forward.

"Nope, you're going" she says and gives me a big push and I fall face first on the ground. I hear Kiara dying of laughter and I get up and turn to her and she's on the floor laughing her bum off, tears coming out of her eyes and holding her stomach.

"Th-at wa-ss the be-s-t th-ing-g ev-er, s-s-sor-r-yy" she says in between laughter. I glare at her playfully and once she is calmed again she speaks.

"Alright, sweet. Let's go or we will be late" she comes closer and puts her hands on my arms and gives me a reassuring smile.

"You'll be okay, Riv, I won't leave your side. I promise" my hands go to her waist and her hands go to my neck and she starts playing with my hair.

"I don't think she would mind if we were a bit late" I say leaning in to kiss her, as my lips almost touch hers but she pulls away.

"Ah ah ah. You get a kiss after now chop chop let's go" We go to my car and I open the door for her.

Chivalry's not dead people.

We then begin our 30 minute drive. We dance and sing to the radio and we arrive at our destination and the nerves overflow my veins. We walk in and it's covered in mental health brochures and waiting areas with cushioned seats. Kiara and I walk up to the lady at the front desk and she greets us giving a friendly smile and we return it back.

"Hi, we have an appointment for Riven Black" Kiara says with a polite smile. The lady types some things in her computer and tells us to go into room 102 and we make our way there. We knock on the door and a lady opens it up and tells us to come in.

The room has plain white walls, a couch and a chair behind a brown desk. There is also a chair next to the couch and a coffee table in front of the couch, on the wall behind is a gigantic built in bookshelf that is filed with all kinds of different books and the giant windows give off a beautiful view of the city and you can't help but feel speechless at it.

"It's a beautiful view, huh?" She says and we nod.

"Please take a seat on the couch" I sit on the couch and Kiara sits on my right, the lady sits on the chair next to the couch on my left and brings out a notebook.

"I am Danielle Bronse, I will be your therapist until you're better. Riven Black, i will be asking you some questions and solutions on how to deal with your losses and I am so very sorry about what you've been through. This world is not fair" I can see the sincerity and pity in her eyes but choose to ignore it and give her a nod.

"Kiara summers? Is that correct?" The lady says.

"Yes, Miss Bronse" She says giving a polite smile.

"You will have to be dismissed from the room so I can help Riven" my face drops and I begin to panic.

"She- she can't go, Danielle" I say agitated.

"Kiara you can sit at the desk and put music on but make sure it's turned up all the way please"
Kiara gives me a quick kiss and whispers to me that it will be okay and she will be five steps away, she sits down at the desk and puts on the headphones the provide and starts playing music really loudly. The session begins and I already hate it and want to go home.

An hour later and it's finally done. We thank Danielle and make our way home. We stop at the car and I go to open Kiara's door but she gently pushes me against the car so that my back is on the now closed door. She jumps up on her tippy toes and her hands go to my neck and she kisses me. I return the kiss and my hands snake down to her waist. I pull away and open the door for her.

"Shall we?" I say in a fake British accent.

"We shall" she says and jumps in the car and we drive off.

"How was it?" Kiara says with a smile.

"The kiss was amazing, thank you for that" I say with a cheeky smile and she rolls her eyes with a smile on her face.

"Not the kiss, love. The session and you only got that kiss because you did very well and didn't complain"

"It was actually okay, better than what I thought it'd be like, I feel better" I say with all honesty and Kiara grins.

"Great, your next appointment is next week Thursday but we will have to skip school for it since it is at 11:30" she says and I place my hand on her thigh and smile.

"Sure, darling. Sleeping in with the most beautiful girl on a school day. Perfectomando" I sat and she giggles.


"Yep, I wouldn't miss spending time with you for the world" I say and kiss the back of her hand.

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