Meeting Roger

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All week long, the campus was shaken up in the expectation of seeing a band performing at the University. The band this weekend was Smile and so Jo was all excited. But me, I was an exception to the majority, I really wanted to go to the city to take a look at the new books in the bookstores, but Jo had other plans for me.

I tried to avoid the subject of seeing the show all week, and even managed to bring some new books from London, but only to face a colossal mess in my dorm. Every imaginable piece of clothing of my roommate were sprawled on her bed. Soon after, I noticed my bed, and I was glad that Jo spared it from the mess.

"Joanne?" I asked uncertainly. "Are you there?"

"Ah Chrissie" she came from the bathroom "I'm sorry for the mess but I just can't decide what to wear."

"I think I even know the special occasion." I rolled my eyes. "But why such indecision?"

"Didn't I tell you? Smile will perform here and Roger will come and see me before the show, we're going to leave and besides ..."

"Oh no, here it comes." I recognized her tone, trying to convince me to do something I didn't want to do.

"Chrissie, Rog just wants to meet you," she explained. "I mention you in our conversations, and it's not possible that you're not at all curious to see him and draw your own conclusions that he's a good boy for me?"

I blinked and narrowed my eyes. Hadn't she managed to convince me?

"All right, Jo, you can introduce me to him, but I don't promise to go to the show," I proposed.

"Thank you for accepting the invitation," she thanked me sincerely.

"Just one more thing," I announced and she made a look of anticipation. "Put everything in its place."

"I'll tie you up after you help me choose what to wear." Jo grinned sheepishly.

"What about your favorite dress?" I suggested.

"Yeah, it's a good idea, I hadn't thought of it before," she mused.

"Okay, I'm going to have some coffee" I left.

I began to get used to the idea of meeting the guy who had left my friend happy all this time.

I grabbed a coffee in the cafeteria, sat down at one of the small tables and stood there reading. If I stayed in the dormitory, Jo would continue chattering about the show, at least there in the middle of the campus, I wouldn't notice exactly what the others were up to. It was a long time before I got tired and decided to go back to my room. I noticed I should be presentable to meet the famous Roger Taylor.

When I met Joanne again, she was ready, following my advice in her look, and to my relief, the clothes had returned to their place.

"You can start getting ready," she said quickly. "Roger just confirmed he'll meet us at the cafeteria".

"If I'd known I would have stayed there," I had to say, "don't you find it awkward that I stay there as a third wheel?"

"I've already told him he's the one who wants to meet you," she insisted, "now stop with this grumpiness and be nice."

"Okay," I realized, sounding very grumpy.

Seriously, I was curious to finally see my friend's boyfriend.

I dressed in a hurry, as I always did, without thinking too much about what I was wearing. Then Jo and I went back to the cafeteria. We sat at a different table this time. I could feel Jo's anxiety as I just followed her into her waiting.

That's when I saw the van approaching, stopping at the sidewalk partition. Yeah, Smile really was a college band, with all its precariousness. But only one musician got out of the old vehicle.

He was a relatively short guy, his blond hair sticking to his shoulders, his figured but modest clothes and, to top it all off, sunglasses that gave him a cool air and he had a charming smile.

Joanne nodded to him, who came to us.

"Roger!" Jo got up and gave him a big hug, the drummer pulling her off the ground with a little effort.

They gave a long, long kiss, and I felt embarrassed, as I had foreseen.

"I said i'd come, didn't I?" Roger said to her and took off his glasses. "Ah, I've got so much to tell you, I've been busy with the shows, we've practically traveled all over the country ..."

"And you've eaten and slept well?" Jo asked worried.

"Good as far as possible," he shrugged relaxedly, "the van's seat is not so uncomfortable after a while."

That made me feel sorry for Roger, which eventually made me like him.

"Where are your friends?" Jo asked.

"They were packing the instruments in the auditorium," the drummer said. "I told them I wasn't going to be long, I needed to see you first, but if I delay, Brian will think it's just excuse to leave him and Tim with all work."

"Well, since we don't have much time now, we'll see each other after the show," Jo corrected, and I already thought she'd forgotten me when she looked at me. "Before you go, Rog, this is my friend, Chrissie.

"Hi "I waved from afar "it's good to finally see you in person."

"The great Chrissie." He squeezed my hand and smiled more honestly than charmingly. "Jo talks a lot about you."

I hope she said only good things," I teased.

"Look, I really have to go girls, but I expect to see you guys on the show." He looked at me emphatically.

Yeah, Jo had told about me too much.

"It's very nice of you to have thought of inviting me, but I'm not much of a fan of this kind of thing, don't get me wrong, it's that ..." I suddenly felt embarrassed to tell the drummer that I didn't want to see his band "It's going to end too late, and I need to get some sleep."

"Sleep early from a Friday to a Saturday?" Roger scowled, wondering about what I said.

"Yeah, I'm a creature of habits," I shrugged.

"Look, I came from so far away, it would be really cool if you opened this exception, if not for me, for Jo," he asked with puppy eyes.

"Just ..." I looked at my hands feeling embarrassed, trying to create some courage to answer what I wanted, but not hurting anyone "get me a quiet place to sit and watch the band, okay? And don't mind if I come running away as soon as the show is over."

"It's okay to me, Chrissie." Roger smiled. which were familiar to me now !I understand you and thank you for going."

He said goodbye to Jo and hurried to meet the rest of the band. I thought Jo was going to scold me for my reluctance, but she gave me a lively hug, practically pushing me toward the auditorium.

A/N: So I watched Bohemian Rhapsody and fell in love with Queen and I was curious to know more about the women who supported our favorite musicians, and then I came across Chrissie's story, and from the photos, she seems to be a person well, let's say, nerd, introverted, someone with whom I would make friends very easy and so I decided to write the story from her point of view. The story is more based on the film, but inspired by some interesting facts that actually happened.

No, I didn't write in first person to put myself in the place of Brian May's girlfriend on purpose, not at all...

This story can also be found in my profile written in Portuguese. This is the translated version.

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