An epic poem

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After a few more Queen Girls' encounters, as me and the girls started joking and calling us, but we ended up liking it, we finally found out on which day the boys would come back. Brian warned me as soon as they left Ridge Farm, it would be a long and tiring trip, which would last a whole day and a little, but what motivated them was to be able to go home and finish the hard work for A Night at the Opera.

Before any meeting with the EMI producers, Queen members headed straight home on arrival in London, bureaucracies and decisions about the album would wait until the following week.

I was in the kitchen when I heard a familiar voice calling my name. My heart pounded and I stopped what I was doing to go to Brian.

"My love!" I screamed and hugged him.

He undid the hug to kiss me, a long kiss, to make it for the long time we were apart.

"I can't believe I'm home again!" Bri started to laugh, glancing around the house, as if to check if everything was still the same way he left.

"And how did it go? You finished recording everything?" I asked as he carefully guarded the Red Special back to her place.

"It was a real ..." Brian frowned, trying to find the right word "survival test, I guess? No, it's too dramatic, anyway, it was difficult, but we did it and now just wait for the release, let's see what the audience will find. Now I have to ask you something."

"What?" I was curious.

"Is that the smell of your mother's sponge cake?" Brian asked, half surprised "the one you never wanted to do because you did not think it would be good?"

"Actually, I did it one day when I and the girls met" I confessed, "and they approved and today I made it to celebrate you returning home!"

"Really?" I didn't know why, but my motive for cooking made Brian blush "you ..."

"Me what? I didn't do anything wrong, did I?" I was very alert with what he was thinking.

"Every time you think of me and take care of me like that ..." he smiled and touched my face "makes me fall in love with you even more."

"You make me very embarrassed, you know, Brian Harold May?" I answered laughing and we exchanged another kiss.

I finished the sponge cake and we ate together, he telling me the details of the recording, how Roger in a childish and pitiful way got his nonsense song to be on the B side of Freddie's epic poem (which elicited some good laughter from me) and how it went difficult to record such an epic poem. I told him how nice it was to meet the girls. It was wonderful to have my beloved husband back home!

Returning to our work routine, which was relieved by the nights we spent together, we chose one of them so we Queen Girls could hear some of the songs from A Night at the Opera, four of them, each one written by one of the boys.

We started with "'39," I thought it was perfect with Brian singing, but as always when the boys got together, they were able to leave something good even better, and I was glad they respected Brian's initial vision of being just a country song.

I noticed John blushing like an embarrassed teenager when we heard "You're my best friend," because Freddie and Roger started calling him cute because he made this song for Veronica. Mrs. Deacon, in turn, reacted differently.

"John ..." she was almost crying, "is this how you see me? It's so ... It's beautiful, thank you!"

"But it's true ..." Deaky declared as if that answer were obvious.

But of course it was, even their baby agreed, when he started kicking his mother's belly when "You're my best friend" started playing.

The boys assured is that Freddie's song was the best of them all, and he even suggested dropping it to the end, which made the next song the infamous and deranged "I'm in love with my car." As I listened to the lyrics, my curiosity made me look at Roger and Dominique. She looked at her boyfriend like he was the biggest lunatic in the world, while he made that face of "Ah, there's a bit of sense on it!"

When the music stopped playing, I ended up laughing, and consequently everyone except the wise Dominique, who knew very well what her boyfriend was like.

"My love" she told Roger sweetly and patiently, "what exactly did you mean by this song?"

"Well, I ..." Rog made a face that he thought it had some prank on his girlfriend's question "it's about someone in love with a car, but it also fits someone in love with a girl, it's a metaphor, you know?"

"But there's a passage that says" Say my girl I have to forget her" " Dominique continued in her analysis"That would be a kind of cheating, wouldn't it? If the car represents a girl. But if it's really a literal car, sorry, but it's weird to fall in love with a car like you would fall in love with a person."

Miss Beyrand's explanation made Roger very confused.

"Dom, the song is good, okay? Why don't you just admit it?" He folded his arms for his irritation "or if you don't like it, say it!"

"Hey, I liked the arrangements, the rhythm you put in." Dominique remained patient, approached her boyfriend, holding his face, forcing him to look at her "Just answer me one thing, if you had to choose between me and the car of this song, who would you choose?"

We were in silence and expectation after Dom threw that bomb. I looked at Roger and it was obvious he was dying inside.

"But of course it's you, Dom!" he said, and to be sure, he kissed her with some exaggeration.

"I told you to make normal love songs like everyone else" Brian commented as they parted.

"Leave me alone, Brian!" Roger tossed the nearest cushion toward my husband.

"But that's not a bad idea, my love ..." Dominique pouted. "I can charge you later."

"I'll put it on my list, okay?" Roger suggested.

"I'm kidding" Dom smiled and kissed his cheek. "I know you love me more than the car."

We laughed again at "I'm in love with my car" and got ready to listen to "Bohemian Rhapsody". In the first moments, I started to shiver with the vocal harmonies of the boys, and then in the part of the ballad, I was moved by the narrative of the poor boy who had killed someone, Freddie sang expressing the fear and the anguish, giving the impression that the person of the song was someone innocent and scared. Brian's solo at the Red Special made me smile, associating the sound with the love of my life, and then came the surprise. The operatic section! It was amazing what these four managed to do with their voice and over re-recordings, if O didn't know I would say they have a choir singing with them. And in the last part of the song, everyone shook their heads and kicked their feet involuntarily. Then the song ended with the gong and I felt I had a unique experience.

After praising, commenting and clapping, I declared:

"You created a masterpiece!" I exclaimed.

I always knew, ever since I saw John, Roger, Freddie and Brian playing together, how talented and creative they were, but for me, Bohemian Rhapsody brought them to the pinnacle of their talent.

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