The Date

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We went side by side, for an instant, I felt an urge to take his hand to walk hand in hand. How could I was thinking something like that? We were friends and holding hands was a ... well, never mind. I ended up making a face for thinking these things. Good thing Brian didn't notice that. I contented myself by walking right next to him. The two quiet, but excited. I could at least notice Brian's exciment.

Because we were college students, we had not much money left. I knew Brian was making a living for the time being with the band, but that doesn't mean they made a lot of money. I already counted on the little that my parents could send me to help me while I was in college. When you spend most of your time studying, and you don't have much work experience, it becomes even more difficult to get a job. Then as we walked, I realized that we were going straight to the nearest bus stop.

"You're going to have to get another bus," I tried to joke to break the silence.

"I thought I'd borrow the van, but it's Roger's, and I didn't want to bother him if he needed it, which almost always happens," Brian justified himself, but I understood the situation myself.

We waited for a bus to arrive, and Brian called me up. I noticed that this would take us to the outskirts of Hyde Park. It wasn't very wise to go to a park at dusk, and once again I was confused at the thought of what he had planned.

When we got there, the sky was already dark, although by my accounts, it should be a few minutes past 7 PM. We went down and got to where I had deduced, Hyde Park.

"I have to confess something ..." he said as we entered the park.

"What?" The way he said it made me worry and my heart quickened.

"I left home a little late so we would get here after dark," Brian seemed nervous to confess, "don't laugh at me please, but I ... I wanted to see the stars with you, and here is my favorite place to do it since I moved to London.!

"Hey, no need to worry" when I noticed, one of my hands was already on his face "I think it's beautiful, the sky, and you ... I mean, you liking watching the sky.!

Brian laughed with joy at me liking his idea. At that moment I realized how much I liked his smile.

"Then come with me," he said with a glint in his eyes.

We walked through the park, Brian was determined and knew exactly where he was taking me.

"Oh," he said.

There was a thin little tree there, away from the others, and the grass was neatly trimmed close to it. Brian walked over to the tree, and hesitated for a moment.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I forgot to get a blanket so we could sit down." He looked embarrassed by this little planning fault.

"Oh, no problem." I took off my jacket since the night was not so cold, stretched out on the floor and sat down.

"No, Chrissie, don't do that, it's going to get dirty..." he worried.

"No problem, I'm going to wash it myself," I shrugged, carefree, "come, sit down."

He smiled and eventually accepted my little madness. Brian snuggled up beside me, there was a safe distance between us.

"Now I understand why this is your favorite place," I said, looking up, "it's the perfect angle to see all the stars ..."

We were lucky the weather was clean that night. Here the lights and buildings of the city didn't dazzle the brightness of the sky.

"You see that one there?" Brian pointed, excited. "It's Orion, my favorite."

I could see where he was pointing and I looked in that direction. It was so cute that he had a favorite star.

"You really understand the universe to know such a specific name," I said, "that's really cool."

"Oh, thanks," he blushed at the compliment.

"If I may say Bri, I would never have guessed that you are the guitarist of a band if I didn't see you performing," I said, feeling comfortable "because it seems like liking physics, math, astronomy, doesn't match rock. But that's no problem, it just makes you more interesting."

"Do you find me interesting?" "That surprised him "because I don't find myself interesting."

"It was exactly what I told Jo about me these days," I had to laugh.

"But I think you're interesting ..." Brian hesitated again. "Look, Chrissie, since you said something honestly about me, I think I have the right to say something sincere about you, do you think it's fair?"

"Yes, that's fair." I was curious to hear it.

"You're ..." he struggled to keep his eyes on mine. "You're the kind of girl I've been waiting for all my life, some nerd like me, who understands me, understands my way, and supports my dreams. And I'm pretty sure you're all that. I don't know how you feel, but ... after we started talking, and you went to our shows, and ... what I want to say is that I really like you. I just..."

"Brian ..." I sighed.

At first, I was moved by him seeing me in a special way, then I thought that Jo was really right. Brian liked me, but did I like him too ? I saw him the way he saw me. He made me feel so comfortable, he understood me, he was always kind to me. As I stared at him still in surprise, my heart was racing.

"You don't have to answer anything if you don't want to" I felt a certain sadness in his voice "I just thought I had to tell you."

"Brian," I said again, even making a decision, I would do everything with calm "I ... I like you too, and I guess I just realized it now."

"So ..." he resumed, the joy returning slowly to his eyes "if I like you, and you like me, I need to ask you something."

"Say it ..." I requested, excited.

"Christine Mullen, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Brian said softly.

"Yes I do," I said in the heat of emotion, from the heart, but in my mind I knew it was the right choice.

We were both completely compatible, we had dreams, goals and support each other.

Brian approached me carefully, and I leaned toward him slowly. He cupped my chin gently. I looked into his eyes that kept shining.

"May I?" He said softly, and I knew exactly what he was going to do and I craved it.

"Yeah," I said, smiling.

Brian's lips found mine, in a slow, delicate kiss. My mind exploded, and I wanted to stay there forever. I rested my arms on his shoulders and he put a hand on my waist. And then we split delicately.

"I don't know what to say ..." I confessed.

"Do you regret it?" Brian said playfully.

"No way." I gave him an unexpected hug.

I held him steady, as if to prove to myself that he was real, and that moment was real, and that I had a boyfriend. Dude, I had a boyfriend! And he was just the way I had dreamed.

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