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Kayla was basically running out of that building like that mother fucker was on fire.
(A/N :

Kayla - ( rubs her temples rethinking everything that just happened) bitch what the actual fuck

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Kayla - ( rubs her temples rethinking everything that just happened) bitch what the actual fuck. 

Kayla took out her phone sending a quick text to Yugyeom to meet her at her house. She connets her phone to the bluetooth and puts her playlist on shuffle. Blood, Sweat , and Tears started to blast through her speakers. She groaned then pulling off going to the store to ge her brother's new headset. 

* Time skip brought to you by BTS *

As Kayla walked up to her door pulling her keys out she felt someone come up behind her wrapping their hands around her waist pushing themselves up against her. She jumped at first but then soon realized who it was by getting a whiff of their cologne. 

Kayla - (turns around pushing him away) Yugyeom get your ass off of me, you almost scared the shit out of me you fucking dick tip! (she turns back around and unlocks the door)

Yugyeom - (lets out a deep chuckle, getting close to her ear)  I could fuck the shit out of you with my dick tip(he whispers while smirking)

Kayla - (turns around again and punching him in the chest)  I walked right into that didn't I? Remind me why am I even still friends with you? (she rolls her eyes walking in the kitchen laying her stuff down) 

Yugyeom - (plopping down on the sofa throwing his feet up on the coffee table) I'm fucking dead, you really did and because you love me (he smiled up at her walking out of the kitchen with chips and sodas for the both of them. 

Kayla - Negative, Keith loves you though ( she says sitting down next to him patting his shoulder while smiling at him) 

Yugyeom - (scoofs while slightly pushing her shoulder) yeah whatever you know you love me. Why did you call me over here anyways? ( he says while grabbing the chips out of her hands and taking his feet off the table to face her.) 

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