Namjoon's Moment

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(I will suck the fucking skin off his dick - Author) 

Namjoon watched from afar as Kayla helped Jungkook learn new english. The maknae had learned way more from Kayla than he did with his hyung. Kayla had this way of breaking things down and making it easier to understand. She had such an astounding play on words that you had no choice but to understand what she was talking about. She moved at your pace, not moving on to the next topic until she is sure that you understand. Jungkook asked her to help him with English about 2 days ago, but by the way she was teching him you would think that Jungkook understood the entire language by now. 

Kayla- I think that's enough for today Kookie, I don't wanna burn out that cute little brain of yours. ( she told the boy while standing up from the kitchen table, walking over to Jungkook giving him a soft kiss on his cheek, giggling at how hard he blushed.) 

Jungkook mumbled an "okay" as she walked off. Namjoon saw him biting his lip, looking at her ass while she was walking  off. Namjoon rolled his eyes at the boy. " Innocent my sweet ass" he thought to himself. Kayla didn't see him when she walked out of the kitchen  so he ran up behind her, grabbing her hips pulling her against his chest. She let put a little giggle, turning around in his arms. 

Kayla- I was wondering when you were gonna come get me ( she giggled again wrapping her arms aorund his neck)

Joon- (raising his eyebrows) So you did see me ?

Kayla - I seen you watching  Kookie and I too. How did I do with him? (she asked afraid she wasn't teaching him well)

Joon- (giving her an alluring smirk) I find your teaching to be incredibly sexy baby. (he said while his hands were going south)

Kayla- (blushed) Im a bit of a sapiosexual myself ( giving him a sly smirk back ) and this long hair is really sexy too, like holy fuck (biting her lip, running her fingers through the long strands)

Joon- (letting a out a sexy chuckle) what's a sapiosexual?  ( he asked as his hands squeezed her ass)

Kayla- ( letting out a gasp) I-it's someone who is s-sexually attracted to intelligence (surpressing her moans from this booty rub she was getting in her hallway.) 

Joon- I might be one of those myself then (pushing her against the wall, kissing her neck ) 

Kayla- r-room is right h-here. ( she whispers, slightly tugging on his hair)

Joon- (backing away from her) Lead the way baby (biting his lip and smacking her ass when she walked off)

Kayla opened the door to her room and was immediately rushed to the bed, Namjoon finding her lips once again as he kicked the door closed with his foot. He laid her down on the bed maneuvering himself between her legs. The kiss was hot and intense. They were slowly running out of breath, but neither one of them wanted to pull away. Eventually he pulled away kissing down her jaw then to her neck. He quickly found her sweet spot that laid directly above her right collar bone. Kayla gasped at the contact. "Found it". He smirked into her nech before he began licking and sucking on the spot aggresively. All while doing this, his hand snaked down into her shorts and he began rubbing her clit. "O-oh my god Joon...s-shit" she moaned out grabbing the forearm of the hand that was assulting oversensitve bits. He brought his head up from her neck and looked up to her. His eyes scanned her face. In that moment he felt so lucky to be in this position with her. As he stared her, his heart rate started to speed up. His hands started getting sweaty. "Kayla what are you doing to me? How do you make me feel these things?" Namjoon's fingers moved faster against Kayla's clit, the moans she was throwing out were egging him on. He couldn't wait to see her face as she reached her climax. Seconds later, she was cumming on his long fingers. "FUCK! YES!" She jerked from over sensitivity until he pulled his away. Kayla watched him as he took his juice covered fingers and put them in his mouth, licking them clean. "Fuck that's sexy... you're so sexy daddy" she moaned out rubbing his erection. "I want to fucking lick you clean, you taste so fucking good" leaning down to meet her lips, letting her get a taste of herself. "I wanna taste you too daddy" biting her lip seductively. He felt his heart momentarily stop at her words. He instantly scarambled up to get his clothes off as she did the same. 

He soon laid back on the bed on his back, waiting for her. She walked over to him and stood there for a second not knowing what to do. Namjoon smiled at her and grabbed her hand. " Lay your body opposite of mine baby" he spoke softly guiding her. When they were in place, they both immediately got to work. Namjoon licked a long strip up her slit until he came in contact with her clit. He flicked the hardened bud with his tongue a couple times before sucking on it harshly. He moaned in her pussy from the taste of her. 'Hyung was right, she does taste like vanilla ice cream" he thought as he burried his face in her sweet pussy once again. Kayla did not exactly know what to do, she's never sucked a dick before but she knew she wanted to pleasure him. She grabbed his dick and stroked it couple times while she built up the courage to put it in her mouth. She forced her moans to stay at the back of her throat as she swirled her tongue around his tip before she placed the hard shaft in his mouth. She felt him groan in her pussy, sending a shock of pleasure through her, but she didn't stop. They were both moaning on each other as they inched closer to their orgams. She took his entire length in her mouth as he sucked on her pussy like his life depended on it. 

They didn't stop until they cumed in each others mouth. 

"Don't f-fucking stop... Im so close!"

"D-daddy f-fuck - just like t-that!"

Kayla's hips grinded down into his mouth as her second orgasm hit her while Namjoon thrusted his hips up to hit the back of her throat. After their highs subsided, they cuddled up together getting under her covers. Kayla layed on his chest as he ran his fingers through her hair. 

Joon- You ma' lady , are fucking amazing . (he said still slightly out of breath from their orgasm together) 

Kayla- (giggled looking up to him) you too daddy (she said in a teasing tone) 

Joon- (chuckled) your're asking for a round 2 baby ( he looked down at her, grabbing her face in his hands, caressing her jaw)

Kayla- (blushing at his intense stare ) why are you looking at me like that Joonie?

Joon- Im falling so hard for you Kayla (looking into her eyes)

Kayla smiled up at him, leaning up to kiss his lips softly. She licked his bottom lip then biting it earning a groan to fall from his lips. She deepened the kiss, putting her hand on his cheek, moving to straddle his lap. He placed his hands on her hips as they kissed each other with such passion. He moved her hips to move against his semi hard length causing them to pull apart and let out a soft moan. 

"Im falling for you too Joonie"

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