Jin's Moment

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Kayla was in the kitchen cooking huming to herself and swaying her hips to the beat, lost in the music , as usual. Jin watches her smiling from the kitchen entrance with his arms crossed over his chest leaning on the door. Kayla shimmies around in a circle before looking up meeting the eyes of a smirking Jin, startling her.

Kayla- Holy fuck you scared me ( she breathes out while placing her hand over her beating heart)

Jin-( grins down at her before leaning off the wall making his way to her) Sorry. What cha makin?

Kayla - (turns back around to the stove) Oh Tae said he wanted some more of my Kimchi so I'm making a super big serving of it. ( turning the stove off, plating the food)

Jin- (steps behind her wrapping his arms around her waist) I heard about the feelings you share with us (he whispered in her ear)

Kayla - (blushing , biting her lip) oh yeah ?

Jin- (turning her around) Mhmm (leaning down to kiss her neck softly) since we have this liking towards each other, do you think I could have that secret ingrediant to your Kimchi?

Kayla - (giggles ) is that all you want me for?

Jin- Nah that's not ALL of it ( placing a kiss on her jaw ) so I can have it?

Kayla - (looking up in his eyes) yeah, I'll show you when I make it next time

Jin- Perfect (he whispered before leaning down and molding their lips in a slow but passionate kiss.)

When they pulled away, they were both blushing hard as hell.

Jin- (rubbing the back of his neck) I-I um.. Im gonna go get the boys for dinner

Kayla - (smiling at him) yeah, go do that

Jin walked out of the kitchen whispering a "holy shit" before going down to the studio to get the boys. 

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