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Kayla and Keith sat in the dimly lit kitchen at the dining tabel as they dicussed their problem. They fucked up. They fucked up because they got too comfortable. They made friends. They have lovers. They have jobs, and possible careers. They got too attached. They made a life for them selves. But people like them can't have that. They can't have the luxries that life offers.

"Have you used them since we've been here?"

"We've been here for fucking 5 years Kieth, of course I've used them" she got up and started her nervous pacing 

"Which one?"

" Vamp side" 

"Fuck" he cursed in his head

"You haven't used your magic?" he asked biting his nails 

"No not recently, I made you that charm 2 years ago and that was the last time"

"How the fuck did he find us?"

"I don't know, but this time I'm not running "

"What do you mean Kayla? We have to!" 

"We don't HAVE to do shit but be black and die! Im tired of running from that pompus asshole! It's diferent now Kieth, we have people we care for, which means now we people to fight for. We're staying and fighing, and this time we're gonna fucking win."



Kayla made her way to her in home recording studio. The boys had told her they wanted to "work some magic" in the studio with her. After all the boys recorded songs and did some dances to them with her, they were gonna take them to Bang PD Nim to see if he could sign her. She begged them countless times not to do go it claiming that "she could get there on her own" but the boys ensured her that she was already there and they were just acting as a helping hand. Hoseok walked into the studio, giving her a hug and kissing her thne going to sit across from her.

Kayla - Alright what do you want this song to be about? ( she said turning away from the sound board to face him)

Hoseok- (giving her a cute little smirk) You

Kayla- (chuckled) Okay, what about me? 

Hoseok- I want it to be about our attraction for each other but like put the whole song in a reference. 

Kayla- Alright, what are we referencing (she asked as she put her legs in his lap) 

Hoseok- That stuff you always put in your hair that gets into your pillowcases...Im not sure what it's called (he said rubbing his chin as he thought about what it's called)

Kayla- (giggling ) Shea butter

Hoseok-(eyes lighting up) YES! That's what it is! The song could imply that after a hot session with your lover ,aka me,  the pillow is stained with this substance.

Kayla- All while expressing a strong intimate attraction to each other?

Hoseok- Exactly (he said smiling at her) What do you think?

Kayla- I love the sound that actually, do we have a beat or do we have to make one? 

Hoseok- Yoongi hyung gave us one actually. Oh and I'd like to do the song in english. (he mumbled blushing)

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