Taehyung's Moment

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*super explicit*

For the last couple of days, Tae has been super distant. He's not his usual upbeat happy self. Whenever we're all in a room together either eating dinner or just hanging around, he is always zoned out. Like he's there but he's not there? I don't know but he refuses to talk to anyone. He won't even talk to Jimin or Jungkook and they are like the three fucking muskateers. They all tried to give him time but Kayla couldn't help but worry for the boy. As she laid in her bed, she couldn't stop thinking about him. She couldn't stop thinking about how it's been so long since she's seen his smile. It was slowly eating away at her. So she jumped out of her bed and went to go find him. The boys decided to have another "sleep over", so they were all in different parts of her house. She went and checked the guest rooms, he wasn't there, she checked the bathrooms, he wasn't there , she checked the living room, he wasn't there, then she finally went down to the basement. Her heart broke when she heard faint crying in her instrument room. She quickly walked towards the room and opened the door, another peice of heart breaking off as she watched the boy sob uncontrollably. She walked over to where he was and kneeled in front of him. 

Kayla- Hey, Im here Tae, it's gonna be alright baby, you should never be crying alone. (she whispered to him as she placed her hands on his knees )

Tae- I-I-I can't K-kayla, I can't d-do it anymore, it hurts, it hurts so fucking bad (he sobbed out as his breathing started to speed up)

Kayla - (got up and sat beside him grabbing his face in her hands)  Tae look at me...hey come on look at me please. (he looked up at the beauty as tears were free falling down his face)

Kayla- I need you to breathe okay? I don't want you to have a panic attack, I really need you to calm down. Come on, in and out...in and out...yeah, there you go...good baby, that's good (she said as he noticeably started to calm down)

Tae- ( layed his head in her lap, she instantly started running her fingers along his scalp as silent tears ran down the boys face) I can't keep doing this, it hurts too much

Kayla- What hurts? What can't you do love?

Tae- The band, I cant be apart of BTS anymore, they don't want me here (more tears running down his face)

Kayla's eyes go wide at the boys confession. She quickly lifted his head up out of her lap, grabbed his face and made him look at her . 

Kayla- Don't you dare for a fucking second think that Bangtan would be better off without you. Taehyung there is no BTS without you! Listen baby, you are so talented, extremely handsome, quirky, caring , kind, funny sweet, I could literally go on forever. You all bring something to the table that makes Bts Bts and that includes you. You guys are legends, You.Are.A.Legend. You don't give yourself enough credit. You bring so much more to the band than you actually realize. Who else has that deep ass sexy voice of yours? Can't nobody sing like you baybeeee. ( she said rocking his head back and forth making him crack a smile)

Tae- (sniffling ) I guess your're right. I am pretty great. (letting out a weak chuckle)

Kayla- (laughs at him) Of course I'm right. And you are, your're literally the fucking best Taetae (kissing his nose) 

Tae-(blushing) What made you come and find me? (wiping the remaining tears off his face)

Kayla- (sighs) I couldn't stop thinking about you, which led to me not being able to sleep, so I got up and looked for you. 

Tae- (blushing even more now) Y-you were thinking about me ?

Kayla- (giggles and pinches his cheeks ) Yes I was thinking about you, I missed seeing that beautiful smile of yours. ( raises her hand to caress his cheek)

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