Jimin's Moment

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(Kayla's dance)

The way her body moved was breathtaking. Each arabesque (ballet move) was strikingly perfect. The entire dance was like a river with a constant and smooth flow. Her body moves with such percision. Jimin watched her from the corner of the room. To say that he was amazed would be an understatement. He sat with his mouth agape as his eyes moved back and forth across the room with her body. Can you blame him though? The girl was talented as fuck.  As the song came to an end, Jimin stood up and dramaticly and appluaded her. Kayla turned around, giving him a large smile before running into his open arms. He picked her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist and he spun her around. Jimin kissed her cheek before putting her back on her feet. 

Kayla - (walking over to her iPad, stopping the recording) So what did you think? How was my flow? (she ask walking back over to him)

Jimin- (thinks of something to say but eventually comes up with nothing. He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times trying to figure out what to say to the beauty) Honestly, Im fucking speechless, everything was perfect, you were perfect,You're a got damn genius. (smiling at her super hard) 

Kayla- (eyes lighting up) Really? THANK FUCK! Oh my god, I thought I was loosing my touch (she laughed)

Jimin- (he chuckled ) Why do you say that baby?

Kayla - I haven't really been focusing on contempory dances recently, it's been so long since I did a dance like this.

Jimin walks over to her cradling her in his arms, whispering how amazing she was in her ear. Kayla turned around and faced him. They stand there staring at each other for what seems to be an eternity. She looks into his eyes to nothing but adoration . She cups his face in her hands. She gets on her tip toes giving a soft kiss on his nose, then to his cheek, then finally placing a soft but tender kiss on his lips. She pulled away looking back into his eyes. "Im falling for you Jimin, and Im falling so fucking hard." Jimin smiled at her words before grabbing  her by the waist and connecting them back into a passionate kiss.

" Jimin smiled at her words before grabbing  her by the waist and connecting them back into a passionate kiss

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" I already fell for you baby" 

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