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Also copyrights to BTS and all their work ( I feel like I shouldn't have to do that but um bitches be bonkers and I don't want no smoke) 

Kayla- What in the absolute FUCK were you thinking Ke? (she whisper-yelled as she dragged him in her room by his ear) do you not know what the fuck a phone is? Do you not know how to say 'HeY kAylA, iM aLrIgHt' ! ( she says slaming the door then s...

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Kayla- What in the absolute FUCK were you thinking Ke? (she whisper-yelled as she dragged him in her room by his ear) do you not know what the fuck a phone is? Do you not know how to say 'HeY kAylA, iM aLrIgHt' ! ( she says slaming the door then starts pacing across the room)

Kayla - This is the tenth time this has happened in the last two months Keith ! What's going on? Why do you keep disappearing for days at a time? (she says now kneeling in front of him with tears welling up in her eyes)

Keith- (looks up at her before sighing and looking down again) I wasn't gone for days Kay

Kayla- THIS TIME! IF IT'S NOT DAYS IT'S WEEKS! AND KEITH I- ( she stopped herself to take a breath) I love so so fucking much and I would never forgive myself if something happened to you. (she looks up at him taking his face in her hands)

Keith - I know...I know Kay. But it's better if you don't know (he says removing her hands from his face then getting up to leave)

Kayla- Where the fuck are you going now? (he ignores her as he continues to walk to the door)

Kayla- NO! (she walks in front of him pushing his shoulder back)  You don't get to fucking walk out on me ! Not when I have busted my ass for you! You don't get to keep me in the dark after everything I've gone through FOR YOU! (she continues to push him until he grabbed her arm)

Keith- I can't... I'm sorry. (he says wiping the tears from her face) 

Kayla- What aren't you telling me Keith? What the fuck are you hiding? Huh? What's more impotant than me?

Keith- I can't Kayla... I just fucking can't. (he says wiping tears of his own walking towards the door again)

Kayla- (chuckles to her self) Get your shit and get the fuck out of my house. (she said wiping her face)

Keith- (freezes in his spot) What did you say?


Keith stood there looking at her. He couldn't believe that the only person he had left was about to throw him away. He looks at her as the last piece of his heart breaks.

Keith- Okay ( he proceedes to the door)

Kayla- Wait ! Wait please just fucking wait. (she said grabbing his wrist) I didn't mean it. But I'm gonna figure out whatever it is your're hiding from me. (she says to him before trying to leave)

Keith- K-kayla, y-you can't do this. Y-your're all I  have left ! (he said walking back to her) Please Kayla you can't, I can't lose you too, you're all I have, you're all I ever needed. Please d-don't, just please- ( he turned her around got on his knees in front of her) 

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