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Bold= Korean, Regular font= English (we should know this by now people) 

Also, UNEDITED AF ( we should also know that I'm lazy as shit)


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Kayla - Sooooo how's this gonna work out? ( She asked looking at their 7 seat van)

Jungkook- (looks up at her smirking ) you might just have to sit on my lap

Kayla - (looks back at him and laughs quietly to her self) whatever you say bunny boy

They all pile in the car, Kayla the last one to get in. 

Jungkook- Hop on babygirl (he said smirking at her while patting his lap)

Kayla - (chuckles again, shaking her head)

Kayla -(takes a seat on Kookies lap, sitting directly on his dick unintentionally.)

Jungkook- ( grunting slightly, closing his eyes and biting his lip) Fuck (he whispered to himself.)

Kayla (hears him and slightly frowns) Am I too heavy Kookie? ( she ask turning around and facing him slightly)

Jungkook- (quickly opens his eyes back up and looks at her) No, babe of course not, just um , try to keep still for me baby (he slightly smiles to her )

Kayla-( thinks about the incident with Yugyeom with instantly starts blushing.) Im sorry, ill try to keep still. 

The car soon starts move, Kayla gives Jin the directions to her home. Everyone was in their own conversations, when all of a sudden Jin swears in frustation and starts to make a u-turn. 

Taehyung- Everything alright hyung? (he asks peeking over the seat to look in the front)

Jin- No the roads blocked we have to go the long way ( he says in annoyance)

Kayla - (looks up feeling guilty ) Im so sorry , the roads weren't blocked when I was on my way here earlier. You can just drop me off here, it's only a 10 minute walk.

Jin (looks at her through the rear view mirror with a stale look) Hell to the no. What kind of man would I be if I did that? You're fine. I'll get you there babe. Swear. (he smiles at her)

Kayla (smiles back at him shyly.) okay then. 

This road that they were on seemed to be particularly bumpy. Kayla's body started bounce on Jungkooks lap. She tried her hardest to keep still but it was really no use. 

Jungkook- (trying to not moan out loud) K-kayla you h-have to keep s-still. ( he says trying to keep his hands to himself) 

Kayla- Jungkook im trying to, really I am! Im not doing this on purpose I swear! (she said  in a panic)

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