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Yall should know by now lmao.

-The next couple of chapters is before the album was dropped-

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-The next couple of chapters is before the album was dropped-

Yoongi was laid out on the floor with Hoseok's foot in his mouth while Jin and Jimin were squished on the love seat cuddling each other like a small child cuddles their teddy bear. Namjoon was laid under the coffee table with a half eaten Cheeto hanging out of his mouth. Tae was spooning Kayla on the sofa with his face shoved in the crook of her neck and in front of her was Jungkook. As 7am struck, Kayla's alarm went off. 

Kayla -( jolting awake ) IrOn MaN wIlL sAvE uS (she yells trying to sit up) What the hell? (she says while looking around) 

Kayla tries to get up again only to be pulled tighter into Tae's embrace.

Tae- (cracks open one eye) where you going baby?(he says wrapping his arms tighter aorund her waist) 

Kayla - I have to pee (she says wiggling around trying to get out of the strong boys grip)

Tae- What

Kayla- Oh sorry, I have to pee I said (she grabbing his arms trying to move them)

Tae- Oh alright. (he said moving his arms from around her ) 

Kayla- Can you move Jungkooks arms too? 

Tae - ( looks over her and glares at Kookie while rolling his eyes) yeah sure

He reaches over grabbing Jungkook's ear and tugging on it harshly. Jungkook almost instantly woke up yelling out in pain. 

Kayla- (gasp and smacks Tae's chest) You didn't have to hurt him Tae!

Tae- He wouldn't have woken up to anyhting else sweetness. (he said to her shrugging his shoulders)

Jungkook- (looks up at Tae with a glare) well what the fuckity fuck did you do that for? (he said rubbing his ear)

Tae- (rolls his eyes) get the fuck up you cumstain, Kayla has to pee

 Jungkook-( moves his other arm from around her.) Sorry Kayla  ( he mumbles as he slightly winced rubbing his ear)

Kayla- (looks down at the boy in pity) It 's okay Kookie ( she says moving his hand and kissing his ear then his cheek) 

Jungkook- (looks down at his hands and blushes) can I get one right here too? ( He says tapping his lips then biting them)

Kayla- ( looks at him laughing then decides to tease him a bit) yeah sure come here ( she tries to say sexily then bites her lip)

Jungkook - ( widens his eyes in surprise) wait for real?

Kayla- L O fucking L no ( she says laughing then starts walking towards the door)

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