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IMPORTANT NOTE , PLEASE READ: In this chapter, there will be slight smut. I will be using gifs because some people just need to see it ya know? Now look, I aint nobody mama but if you come on here acting like a 10 year old ima boot ya ass. If you wanna go against ya mama's rules and read this sexual shit please be my guest but don't be suprised when you see a dick or two in this chapter lmao. 

Kayla - Oh my god Jimin, fuck that feels so good (she moaned arching her back)

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Kayla - Oh my god Jimin, fuck that feels so good (she moaned arching her back)

Jimin- Yeah, you like that baby? (he whispers in her ear)

Kayla- (groaning) yes, oh my god , yes! (she says burrying her face in her pillow) FUCK! Fuck, yes Jimin right there!

Kayla- Fuck Jimin, harder (she groaned out)

Jimin- (going down harder than the last time) Like that?

Kayla- Fuck yes, just like that (letting out moans of appreciation)

Jimin moves his hands back to around Kayla's neck, putting pressure on her shoulder blades. Kayla was laid on her stomach as Jimin was on top, straddling her lower back, giving her a massage. It's been almost 2 weeks since the "sleepover" at Kayla's and her and the boys have become extremely close since then. They spent any spare moment they had with her and as did she. From Kayla helping one of the guys out with their songs for their up coming album or just hanging out with them for the hell of it. Keith has become closer to them as well, saying that they were his "korean brothas from anotha motha". It's also been 2 weeks since Kayla confessed to taking a liking to all 7 of them Of course after hearing this information the boys acted on it, teasing, flirting, and feeling her up in anyway they could. There was a very thin line between one of the boys and her virginity and honestly she didn't mind at all. After her little escapades with each of the boys, she was now ready to lose it more than ever now.

Kayla- Okay Jimin, you've gotta stop or I'm not gonna be able to move at all (she said groaning into the pillow but also being loud enough so he could hear her. ) 

Jimin - (getting off her back, now sitting beside her) well no one told you to go that hard at the studio babe. (he said running his fingers through her hair)

Kayla- (sitting up and putting her head in his lap) I knowwww,  but I have to go hard for you guys. This is a big deal. ( she says grabbing his hand and kissing his knuckles)

The choreographer they had for their new song ,Black Swan, got into a pretty bad accident and they couldn't find another choreographer at the last minute. So the boys asked for Kayla's help and of course she said yes. Every since then she's been in her dance studio almost everyday for long hours at a time preparing this dance for them.  

Jimin- (pulling her all the way onto his lap, where she is now straddling him) how far have you gotten? (placing his hands on her hips)

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