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"Wait, wait, hold up run that shit back to me again," Yugyeom said shaking his head back and forth. Kayla rolled her eyes at the foolish man-boy.

"I've said it like fifteen times already ya fucking doof" she mumbled smacking him in the back of his head. He groaned rubbing the spot where he was struck before popping her in the forehead.

"And I said tell me the fuck again" Kayla rolled her eyes once more mumbling a faint "dipshit" before she explained to him what's going on for the sixteenth time now.

"I am a tribrid. A tribrid is a magical combination of a witch, vampire, and werewolf. I am the only one of my kind. The man that kidnapped you and beat you half to death was my asshole of a father. He's a hybrid, which is just a vampire and werewolf. My mother was a witch and that's how I am what I am."

She explained while slouching down on the couch. "And the 7 dwarfs glaring at me from the kitchen?" he asked subtly flicking the boys the finger without her seeing.

She rolled her eyes again when she heard them now walking into the living room. " These 7 dwarfs will kick your fucking ass" Yoongi spat while eyeing the boy.

" Your short ass couldn't even reach my face to punch me, get the fuck outta here," Yugyeom said waving him off. " Well, I bet I could." Jungkook snarls walking closer to him. Kayla jumps off the couch to stand in between the pissy men. She places a hand on Jungkook's chest, pushing him away from Yugyeom.

"All of you need to calm the fuck down. There's so much testosterone in the air, I'm practically choking on balls right now"

Kayla spoke looking back and forth between her boys and Yugyeom. "Yeah well tell the spice girls to get the fuck out of my face," Yugyeom said before walking off. Kayla mentally slapped the shit out of him in her head, before she was tugged into Jimin's chest. 

"Who is he to you, Kayla? Why would your dad come after him?" he questions her.

"He's been Keith and I's best friend since we moved to Korea. Why do you ask?" Kayla looks up at Jimin with confusion written all over her face.

"You're best friends with a dipshit?" Jungkook snorted and rolled his eyes. Kayla walked over to him and popped him on his forehead. "What did you do that for?" Jungkook asked after he let out a loud groan.

"He's not a dipshit! He helped me train after I flunked the audition. He's been a great friend to Keith, and he's a really great person!" Kayla said quickly going into defense mode over her best friend.

"What do you mean to help you train?" Hoseok asked as his eyebrows raised in suspicion. "He's an idol, he works at BigHit." Kayla spoke lamely expecting them to know this information.

But as the boys stared at her with dumb looks on their faces, she figured that they didn't have not one fucking clue to what she was talking about. "He's in a band...with Jaebum, Bambam, and the rest of them...the name is Got7?" Their eyes lighted up in realization.

"Oh fuck, I thought he looked familiar!" Taehyung yelled aloud. "That still doesn't explain why he would come after him though," Jin said with confusion written all over his face.

"My father is a fucking asshole, he'll try to take away anyone I love, and anything that means something to me," Kayla says quietly.

They all looked at the girl with sad expressions of their faces. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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