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Yall should already know...UNEDITED AF

Keith walked in the house the next morning exahsted as shit. He headed towards his room as soon as walked in hearing his bed screaming his name. 

Kayla - (turns on the lamp next to the chair she was sitting in) Nigga I wish you would walk past me and not tell me where THE FUCK yo black ass been all damn night. 

Keith - (he turns around with a slightly scared look on his face) I'm sorry Kay. I was with Ryan after my photoshoot was over and I just fell asleep there.

Kayla - (stands up walking over to him wrapping him in a huge hug) and your dumbass don't know how to use a phone? Shit you be scaring me like that

Keith - (wraps his arms around her waist snuggling into her) Im sorry Kaykay, I won't do it again

Kayla - (pulls away smacking him in the chest) I know you won't pabo. Anyways, how's Ryan doing anyway? I haven't seen her in a while. 

Keith - (plops down on the couch) she's been alright, she was struggling was some bills but she got it together. But can we finish this conversation some other time I'm super tired ( he said while yawning )

Kayla - (walking over to him placing a kiss on his cheek ) okay go ahead and there's something on the bed for you. (she said smirking at him)

Keith - (looks down at her weirdly) Like what? 

Kayla - Go in there and see fool. By the way I have to head into work a bit early tonight cause I didn't finish working yesterday .

Keith - ( walking up the stairs to his room) okay, just leave me some food in the kitchen when you leave

Kayla - Will do baby bro

Keith walks into his room and sees a brown bag sitting on his bed. He walks over to the bed and grabs the bag opening it thinking it was just some new clothes. His eyes widen at the brand new headset that just literally came out 3 FUCKING DAYS AGO !  He ran out of his room going straight to the kitchen. He picked Kayla up swinging her around. When he finally put her down he started to repeatedly kiss all over her face while saying 'thank you' with every kiss. 

Kayla - (scrunching up her face and laughing trying to push him off of her) I'm glad you like it Ke. NOW STOP PUTTING ALL YO DAMN SALIVA ON MY FACE !

Keith - (backs away from her trying to catch his breath) Kayla I fucking love you so much. God really blessed me with the best sister in the world. 

Kayla - ( looks back at him and smiles) I love you too Keith and I thought yo ass was tired what the fuck happened?

Keith - You happened! (he said rolling his eyes at her)

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