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^that's the Dad


"He's here"

When the words fell out of his mouth, it was like the world stopped moving around her. Memories of her and Keith's abuse flashed through her mind. Endless nights of pain and suffering. All these feelings she's burried so deep within herself are coming up through her like a world wind. If anyone could put fear in her heart, it was her father. The cruel and heartless man whom she hated to death. Just the thought of him makes her want to throw up. 

Keith could see it. He could see her falling back into that pit of undeniable fear and sorrow that she had worked so hard to pull herself out of. He hated this. he hated seeing all of her hard work on herself go to waste. She has come so far just for this sorry bastard to come back and fuck it all up...again. 

Taehyung came out of the bathroom smiling from ear to ear just for his smile to drop when he saw her eyes slowy fading into that same crystal white color. He halted his steps at the sight of her. 'What's going on? Did I do something?' he thought to himself. Then he heard a soft voice try and comfort her. He looked over and saw Keith slowly walking towards her whispering sweet nothings to her. "Keith? What's happening?" he asked the boy. Kieth snapped his head over to Taehyung, glad that he was here at this exact moment. "You need to calm her down, we can't let it get as bad as last time. If we do...w-we all will d-die" he spoke slowly to the boy with tears free-falling down his face. Taehyung gulped and nodded his head walking over to her slowly. 

"Baby? I need you to listen to my voice. Listen to the sound of voice and let it relax you. Let my voice bring you back to reality, let it bring you out of your fears, let it bring you back to Keith, back to the boys...and back to me." he now stood in front of her. He raised his hand to caress her cheek. " K-kayla whatever this problem is, you know Keith can't do it without you. He can't fight t-this monster without you. He needs you to fight by his side. We need you to protect us from whatever this danger maybe. I love you s-so fucking much, just...p-please come back to us" he whispers  as he leaned in to press a soft kiss on her lips. 

He brought her back...again. 

Keith let out a breath of relief as the color in her eyes came back. Taehyung pulled away, looking into her beautiful eyes with nothing but love for the girl.  Kayla smiled sadly at him. "I'm sorry, I-I just can't control my emotion magic when it comes to him" she mumbled shoving her face in his chest. Before Taehyung could reply Keith interupted them. "Im so sorry to break this up but Kayla, he's in Seoul now. We don't know what he's gonna do." Keith told her . She took a couple of deep breaths to calm her self down before nodding her head. She leaned up pressing her lips to Taes and patting his chest. "I u-um have to go take care of some stuff, so why don't you go back downstairs with the boys and I'll order something for dinner." she told him. He nodded his head again pecking her lips and walked towards the door. He patted Keith's shoulder before leaving the room completely. 

"So what are we gonna do? " Keith asked stepping all the way in her room closing the door behind himself.  Kayla sighed throwing her self on the bing bag "I have no fucking idea". Keith walked over to her bed and tried to sit down. "DON'T SIT THERE " Kayla yelled sitting up holding her hand out. Keith insantly moved away from the bed. "Why ? " he asked her. She just looked down and blushed. Keith's eyes went wide "No...fucking...way" he spoke slowly. Kayla rolled her eyes at him before telling him off. "Just sit your ass down in the computer chair and let's figure out what the fuck we're gonna do about our psycho ass father." Keith laughed at her while going to the chair and sitting down. "After all this shit is through, your're telling me everything." he said grining at her. Kayla giggles and walks to her closet.

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