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This finna be a SUPER DUPER BIG DUMB STUPID ASS LONG ASS chapter bc I've been late with my updates. I'm sorry ☹

Also, he needs his ass beat for looking that fucking sexy 

Dirty chapter ahead 😏

Kayla and Hoseok had been in the studio for about 3 hours now

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Kayla and Hoseok had been in the studio for about 3 hours now. Kayla had created some choreography for their new song 'Shea Butter Baby'. The dance was more on the sexy, flirty, "I wanna fuck the shit out of you side" but honestly with a song like that, what do you expect? At moment Hoseok was trying to prefect this move Kayla had came up with. The move was quite simple but Hoseok and his got damn hormones...

Kayla- Hobiiii pleaseeeee (she whined) can you please try NOT getting your dick hard?!  All you have to do is pick me up by the waist, move your arms under mine, swing me, then put me down. Literally that's it. (she said starting to get annoyed.)

Hoseok-  I'm sorry! But how do you expect me to NOT get hard with this kind of dance? Hell I'm getting harder because you whined my name. ( he complained biting his lips as dirty thoughts flooded his mind)

Kayla-(rolling her eyes) You were the one that came up with the idea you doofus! (she glares at him with her hands on her hip)

Hoseok- You look so sexy when you're mad (he whispered walking over to her, placing his hands on her hips, bringing her closer to him)

Kayla- (giggles) Baby I swear to god I will suck the skin off your dick if you just get through this dance with me (wrapping her arms around his waist looking up to him batting her eyelashes)

Hoseok- (groaned) Fucking deal 

He removed himself from her grabbing the remote for the music, pressing play then getting in his position. 

(skip to the 38 second mark and stop after their done)

Kayla jumped and squealed in excitement as they finally got through the entire dance perfectly. Hoseok stepped back with a small smile and watched her go on and on about good the dance went with the song and how she couldn't wait to show the boys and yada, yada,yada. Honestly he wans't even listening anymore. He got distracted with how good her boobs looked bouncing up and down from her jumping. He wondered how she would  look on top of him bouncing up and down on his dick, moaning out his name. Then soon after, the words she spoke earlier started to echo in his mind. "I will suck the skin off your dick".


Look's like Kayla needs to hold up her end of the deal. 

Kayla- I mean honestly, would he even like it? I mean it's a bit vulgar but we grown as hell! We are grown men and women that have sex! Well kinda. I haven't had sex yet b-but when I do, I am gonna be a grown woman who had sex and I deserve to sing or rap about how good or bad the fucking sex was! And if he tries to stop me, Im just gonna have to stick my foot up his scrawny little Korean as- 

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