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Im sorry this is a McDonald's drive thru sir

Its been a full week since the boys found out about Kayla's full form

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Its been a full week since the boys found out about Kayla's full form. They now know eveything about her. Even things from her past that she tried to keep buried. Kayla sat on her balcony outside her room ,thinking about how deeply in love she was with those seven boys. She thought that there was no way in hell she could fall in love with them even more, yet here she was. Her heart was racing just at the thought of them. Her skin tingled when she thought about any one of those 7 pairs of lips on her's. Anytime one of them touched her, it was like a wildfire spreading within her body. She had constant butterflies in her stomach when ever they were near, and since last week these symptoms only got worse. The way that they accepted her so quickly was astonishing. I mean it's not every fucking day someone tells you they're not 1, but 3 fucking mystical creatures all in one. Their way of "coping" was Junkook asking the girl to do magic tricks and Yoongi begging her to howl in her wolf form. She was pretty sure that Jin was gonna at least try to hold a cross to her head and exorcise a demon out of her or Joon try to scientificly explain her existance,  but they didn't. 

They almost embraced her in a way. Tae, Jimin, and Hobi wouldn't stop going on about how hot it would if she bit into them and feed during sex. Well actually now that she thinks about it, that does sound pretty ho- "Hey babygirl" a voice spoke interupting her thoughts. She turned around towards her door to see Yoongi standing there with a small smile on his face. "Hi Yoonie, come sit love" she said smiling up at him. He walked over the the swing bench she was sat comfortably on, sitting fairly close to her. " So what's up?" she asked looking over at him. He looked really super nervous. He was looking out into the veiw, picking at his fingers, and biting down on his lip to the point where it might bleed. Kayla pulled his lip from his teeth, causing him to look at her. She placed her hand on his thigh, looking up into his eyes. "Baby what's wrong?" she asked starting to slowly move her thumb back forth on his thigh trying to bring him some comfort. "Im so s-sorry Kayla. You are so fucking amazing in everyway and you deserve to be loved a-and Im sorry I couldn't provide that for you. I feel like such an asshole b-because I wanna love you so bad but I j-just ...I cant allow myself to because of my stupid past. And I-I-I -" she cut him off pressing her lips to his. 

Her heart flutterd uncontrollably at the contact. She licked his bottom lip asking for access which he gladly granted. Their lips danced against each other as the moon light shined down on them both. She pecked his lips a couple more times before he pulled away. "Your past is not stupid baby. Don't rush your love for me, it'll happen when it happens. For the time being , I have enough love for the both of us, so don't worry about it." she said smiling at him softly. He stared down at the girl while caressing her cheek. " You. Are .Perfect. " he whispered, leaning in to capture her lips with his once more. " Far from it" she spoke before his lips landed on hers. 

His lips glided acrosss hers so easily. He grabbed her hips, picked her up and placed her on his lap so she could straddle him. His lips left hers as they moved down her neck. She threw her head back, giving him more space to do what he wanted to do with her. His grip tightend on her hips as he grinded her down into his crotch. He groaned aloud as she let out a breathy moan. " Hey Kayla do you know where Yoon- oh... hello" Taehyung spoke smirking at the two. Kayla quickly got off of his lap pulling the shirt she was wearing down and started picking at her fingers. "Um Joonie hyung was asking for you in the studio" Tae told Yoongi. He nodded giving Kayla a quick peck on the lips before scurrying off. Kayla and Tae giggled as they watched Yoongi try to speed walk out of the room. 

"I assume you guys talked about last week?" Tae asked taking a seat next to her patting his lap wanting her to sit on him. Kayla got up and sat on his thighs, wrapping her arms around his waist, laying her head on his chest. "Yeah, I didn't like seeing him like that, he felt like he was letting me down because his feelings weren't as strong as mine, which is not the fucking case at all. I'' wait for him, I'll wait for all of you if I have to." she whispered with tears threatning to fall from her eyes. Taehyung sofly smiled down at her. He kissed the top of her head. "And that's why I love you baby" he whispered brushing some hair out of her face. She took hr head off his chest, pecking his lips with a soft kiss. "You wanna go make our song?" she asked giving him a chessy smile. Letting out a soft chuckle, 

"Let's do it baby"



This is just a filler chapter, Im literally fucking exhausted.

Also if you haven't noticed, Im trying to change my writing style. 

I was doing it with the names because Im not the best when it comes to writing dialouge, however, I've been working on it and wanted to try it out

Did everything make sense? 

Should I go back to the other way? 

Did you wash your hands?


You fucking filthy animal.




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