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(This picture really steams my fucking rice - Author) 

"Kayla, we have to find him before he finds us. You need to do a locator spell." Keith says in a panic scurrying over to the cupboard to get a map.

"Keith I haven't done magic in years, if I start now he'll sense me. I can't allow that." she says quickly getting up to stop him. "So, what do you suggest we do? Just wait around until he finds us and we start running again?" He grabs her shoulders, slightly shaking her, "You said it yourself Kay, we're staying and fighting. So, let's sneak attack his ass and end this shit once and for all.

The girl smiles with tiny tears running down her face. The feeling of pride rushes through her chest as she goes to hug him. "Where did all that come from, captain save a hoe? You got me feeling like a proud sister" she chuckles, releasing him. Keith wipes her tears with a small smile. "I got it from you, where else?"

"Okay enough of this sappy shit, go get the map." Kayla wipes her face and takes a deep breath, preparing herself for what's to come.

Keith goes over to where the map was. He lifts the floorboard and pulls the map from underneath. He waits until she is done setting the candles up to give her the map. She places it down before holding her hand out towards the silverware drawer. Seconds later, a knife comes flying through the air landing in her hand. "You know you could've just walked over there" he said, smirking at her. " I fucking miss my magic" she laughs as she cuts her hands letting her blood leak over the map.

"Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Veras, Sequita Saguines, Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous"

The blood slowly starts to move across the map causing Keith to look up at her.

(A/N : vampire diaries type shit😭)

The blood stopped moving when it came towards Busan. "Well shit, he's closer than I thought'' Keith stood up and sighed. Kayla was calm on the outside but on the inside, she was in a state of hysteria. She stood there staring at the map, so many thoughts running through her head. The entire house started shaking. Keith's eyes went wide as he looked over at a zoned out looking Kayla. He ran over to her grabbing her shoulders just for him to fly back and hit the wall. He groans in pain as he looks up at her. "Fuck it's happening again" he thought in his head. The last time she zoned out in fear like this she caused an entire earthquake. "Kayla, listen to my voice breathe...please Kayla, I need you to fucking calm down." He said, starting to panic. "What the fuck is going on?! Why is the house shaking? '' Yoongi yelled running into the kitchen. Keith turned around, eyes going wide again. In the kitchen there stood the 7 fucking members of BTS. "YOU'VE GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME" he yelled out in frustration. The house started to shake harder which means by now, the entire block is shaking. "What is wrong with her? Is she okay? '' Jungkook asked, stepping more into the kitchen. "What the fuck is this ? '' Jimin whispered. They all stepped further into the kitchen. "One of you needs to kiss her, whoever has the strongest feelings. You need to kiss her NOW! "

Yoongi runs up to her, but as soon as he goes to grab her, he flies back into the wall. "What the fuck?" he looks at her confused. "It's not you bro" Keith said looking over at him sadly. Jimin walks up to her, he turns her towards him. He jumped back a little once he saw that her eyes were white. He pushed away his fears and leaned in only to fly back like Yoongi did. "For fucks sake" Keith mumbles out. "One of you please, or this earthquake is gonna spread to the entire country of Korea." He glares at them. Taehyung ran up to her, taking her face in his hands as he crashed his lips to hers ...and he didn't get pushed away. Taehyung moved his lips against hers waiting for her to kiss back. "Keep going Tae, its slowing down!" Keith yelled . He grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her body closer to his as he kissed her harder. That's when he felt her lips start to move against his. He couldn't help but smile into the kiss. "It stopped, he did it, '' Keith said, running back into the kitchen smiling . Kayla had fully awakened now. She took in a sharp breath against his lips before she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him back with so much passion. She pulled away and hugged him tightly. "Thank you" she whispered in his ear, letting the tears run down her face. She pulled away from him to see a small uneasy smile on his face. "Oh fuck" she cursed clearing her throat when she realized what she had done. She looked at Keith sending a message to his mind. "What the fuck am I supposed to do?!" He shrugged. "Tell them" he said out loud. She looked around at the boys, they all had these distraught looks on their faces. "L-let's um go talk, yeah?" they all nodded going towards the living room. The 7 boys sat on the couch in front of Kayla. "I um, I'm gonna do a comfort spell to give you guys a sense of peace, so don't get like scared or anything okay?'' She spoke to them quietly. They all nodded.

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