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Kayla- (giggles to herself out of nervousness) why would I be screaming your name all night long? (she whispers while slightly pushing him off)

Hoseok- (moving his hands back up to her hips, gripping them) Why? (he chuckles darkly) because my dick would be so de- ( he gets inturrupted by the door opening)

Yoongi- What in the fuck is taking yall so lon- (he sees Hobi with Kayla up against the wall and he instantly fills with anger) 

Yoongi- (grabs Kayla from Hobi's grip, leading her out  of the room, before leaving he turns to glare at Hobi before speaking) you stay in here and don't fucking move (walks out of the door with Kayla in his arms)

Kayla- (looks up at him weirdly and giggles) you can let go now babe

Yoongi-(looks down at her, face softening at the sight of the beauty ) what if I don't wanna let you go baby (he says biting his lip snaking his arms further around her waist. 

Kayla- (lightly laughs to her self while pushing him off of her walking back into the dance room) you guys are so touchy

Yoongi- (watches her walk in the room not missing the chance to take a look at her ass is those wonderfully tight leggings) damn. That ma fucka fat ( he says shaking his head walking back to the snack room to tell Hobi off.)


Namjoon- (stops his conversation about her body  with his brothers when he sees her enter the room) There you are baby! We were were starting to think you ran away with Hobi or something ( he says laughing, making sure to show his heart clenching dimpled smlie)

Kayla- (looks down blushing) yeah something like that (she mumbled chuckling)

Taehyung- What was that? 

Kayla- Nothing! (she says walking over to the music station setting her music up for her next dance)

Jungkook- (walking up to her nervously) Kayla? (he taps her shoulder, feeling a jolt of electricty just from the smallest touch) 

Kayla - (turning around smiling at the handsome man) Mhmm?

Jungkook - (admired her beauty for a quick second before he snapped out of it) U-um y-you are really an amazing dancer. What's your next dance gonna be like? (he said cursing himself for stuttering so much) 

Kayla -(she internally awe'd at the mans shy state) well it's something more modern and a bit slower

Jimin- Modern? (he questioned, the word "modern" peaking his interest since he used to do the same kind of dancing)

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