Chapter 17

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The next morning I woke suddenly to a loud thump, I sat bolt up right and recognised Lauren’s blonde, bed hair straight away.

"Loren? What’s wrong? What are you doing here?"

My room is still dark which means the sun still hasn’t risen yet and I only left her house a few hours ago, I watch her stumble over a pair of my shoes and she closes my window shut before she finally comes towards me. Her slim body climbing over me and she crashes into the mattress beside at me. She’s panting and trying to catch her breath, did she run here?

"It’s nothing, I’m fine I just couldn’t sleep."

Underneath her green eyes were purple rings, she looks exhausted.

"Did you run here? Why didn’t you call, I could have come and picked you up?"

She shook her head with a smile playing on her lips.

"No I wanted to run here, really I did. I haven’t been sleeping lately and I woke up to my parents yelling at each other so I came here."

She pushed her face into my chest and pushed her leg up onto mine, grazing it up to my waist then back down again.

"Is that ok if I stay here tonight?"

How could I say no, she was like a kitten wrapping herself around my body getting herself warm and ready for sleep. I smiled into hair and put my hands around her, squeezing her tightly.

"Why were your parents fighting this early in the morning?"

She grumbled into my shirt and I could feel her shrug.

"They always argue at night because they think I can’t hear them."

I let my fingers brush through her messy blonde hair, and I couldn’t help but wonder what it must be like for Loren. Sometimes it feels like I will never really know her, then there are other moments where I feel so connected to her that I feel like I know her better then she knows herself.

I could feel her hearbeat on my chest, slowing down to it’s normal pace. Her breathing was getting deeper, it took her no time at all to fall asleep. I followed her soon after.

My bedroom door swings open and I woke to the sound of my mother gasping in shock, I sat upright and threw the covers over Loren.

"You right mum?"

She never comes near my room because of the mess, so why was she standing in my doorway uninvited. I could feel Loren’s body crawl into a ball.

"Sorry, I didn’t know you had company Ed! Who may I ask is your friend here?"

Loren’s green eyes slowly peeked out from the blankets surronding her, cheeks burning red she gave my mother a shy smile.

"Morning Mrs Sheeran…"

My mother nodded towards her then looked back towards me, I got the hint I’m supposed to introduce them to each other.

"Oh right, mum this is Loren… she’s girlfriend?"

I looked at Loren for some form of clarification, was she ok with me calling her that? She gave me a small smile and I turned my attention back to my mother, Loren and I were both fully clothed so it could have been worse.

"Nice to meet you Loren."

She did not look impressed, my mum turned on her heel and shut the door behind her. Loren looked at me with a sad expression, her hands covering her mouth and her green eyes were wide and awake.

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