Chapter 14

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Early next morning I woke in my bed to a strange schreeching noise, I rubbed my eyes and slowly sat up curious to what caused the sound. It was almost pitch black but I could see A black silhouette entering my bedroom window, my body went into panic mode immediately. I gasped and pushed myself into the bed head, I opened my mouth ready to scream when the intruder stepped into view.

“It’s just me Loren! It’s Ed! Crap I’m sorry!”

My heart beat was through the roof and I was now wide awake, I clutched my ribs and doubled over trying to steady my breathing. Ed walked over and crawled over my bed and sat by my side, his arm going over my shoulder and his face on my neck.

His breath was warm against my skin.

“Sorry if I frightened you, I couldn’t sleep and I thought I could try and be all romantic and climb through your window” His voice was raspy from his obvious sleepless night.

I rolled away from him and buried my face into the pillow then mumbled my response.

“You scared the shit out of me”

I could feel Ed moving off the bed, this scared me more then him coming in. I whipped my head up and stared at him in disbelief.

“Now you’re leaving!?”

His eyes found me and he gave me a shrug.

“It’s ok, I’ll let you get back to sleep and I’ll be back later.” 

I threw the covers back and patted the vacant spot next to me, inviting him to join me. I looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

“Please? I want you to stay”

His face brightened up, he took off his shoes and climbed in next to me.

“I’m actually glad you came, it would have been strange waking up alone”

Ed smiled at this and his arm wrapped around me tightly.

“I felt the same way, I wanted to be here when you woke up but I didn’t mean to literally wake you up”

While Ed was speaking I began to stretch, Then it hit me. I bet I look a right mess, I hid my face in my pillow once again and I could feel the heat from my cheeks burning hot.

“What are you doing?”

Ed asked me curiously.

“It’s too early for you to see me, I’m disgusting”

He started to laugh, why would he laugh at this? His hand began tucking away my hair from my face, attempting to get a view of my face.

“That dosn’t make any sense Loren, You could never be disgusting, stop being ridiculous”

I know it’s stupid but I know how my appearance is in the morning.

I didn’t speak, I was hoping we would both just fall asleep but Ed was determined to look at me.

His face came close to mine and I could feel his soft lips on my cheek.

“You will never know… just how beautiful you are to me”

No one has ever spoken to me like that before, I reluctantly turn my face towards him and I see his dimples begin to show as he smiles at me.

I slowly move my face to his and show him my feelings instead of speaking them, My lips meet his and we kiss each other slowly.

It was so tempting for me to jump ontop of him and have a repeat of last night but I would be pushing my luck, my mum and dad were in the next room fast asleep.

I fell asleep in his arms and woke a few hours later with his nose pressed against mine, My mouth pulled up into a smile and I placed my hand gently on his cheek.

I’ve never been this close with anyone before and I’ve never woken up with a boy in my bed. It was odd how this didn’t feel so abnormal, It’s almost as if I can’t remember what my life was like before Ed. 

I got lost in my thoughts for quite a while and I never wanted to leave this bed, that was of course before I could hear footsteps heading for my room. 


His eyes fluttered open and he looked at me confused.

“Someone’s coming!”

He could see the panic in my eyes and he knew we had little time, he rolled straight off the bed and landed on the foor with a loud thud.


I said with a hiss, I was ready to play it natural when I noticed Ed’s colourful shoes next to my window. It was to late for me to do anything then, my mum walked in with a hot cup of tea and a smile on her face.

“Morning love, I’ve brought you something”

She sat on the end of my bed and handed me the mug, I thanked her and took small sips from the cup.

“So how was the dance?’

I gave her a slow shrug.

“Uhm yeah it was ok”

My mother started moving closer to me, eager to hear about my night.

“Was Ed a gentlemen?”

My face formed into a frown, I could feel the creases on my forehead deepen.

“He always is? Why?”

“I’m sure he is, I just couldn’t help but notice how close you two are becomming. I just don’t want you to rush into anything, Remember not to feel pressured into doing something you’re not ready for because these days-“

This was starting to make me angry, I cut my mother off mid sentence.

“Ed would never make me do anything I didn’t want to, he’s not like that.”

I could see my mother’s expression changing from concern to curiousity, I place my tea on the bed side table and waited for her to leave. She stood up and headed for the door before turning around once again.

“Ok then. Well have you been taking your medication Loren?”

I can feel my face being drained of all colour and feeling, I open my mouth to speak but all that escapes my lips is a meaningless stutter.

I wanted to scream at my mum for openly sharing my private issues with Ed but how could I when she dosn’t even know Ed is in the room.

Is everything ruined now?

I bury my face into my hands as I can feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes and I have always refused to cry infront of others, even my own mother.

“Yes. Now can you please go? I have a head ache mum”

My mother silently left the room and I quickly hide under the covers before Ed can begin questioning me. I feel the extra weight on the bed followed by the movement of the sheets, he joins me under the covers and I close my eyes as silent tears stream down my face. His warms hand wraps over my cheek, his thumb wiping away the salty water and his voice is so quiet.

“We don’t have to talk…… just please don’t cry”

If there were any chance of me making up some lie to cover up what my mother had just said, it was long gone now. My impulsive reaction to it had made sure of that.

I swallow the rest of my tears and slowly open my eyes, his face is so sad it makes me feel worse. Why did my mother have to come in here and ruin everything, I never wanted Ed to know this about me. This is my burden to bare and I want it to stay that way, I stare at Ed’s blue eyes then down to his pale lips. He is so perfect and I am so flawed, so much he dosn’t know about me yet. How can I ever tell him. I take in a deep breath and begin to calm myself down, I wriggle forward and push my face into his cheast just taking in his smell.

His arms wrap around me and I can feel his lips plant a soft kiss on the top of my head, I focus on my breathing and once again I slowly fall asleep in his arms.

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