Chapter 1

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Has England always been this cold?

How can people live like this?

how can I live like this?

My parents thought it would be easy enough to adapt to the drastic weather change, however the difference was the sunny Gold Coast, Australia to freezing Framlingham, Suffolk. My father’s new job has taken us across the globe to start our lives all over again, i know it’s not the first time we’ve moved but it is the first time I’ve left the country. The cold is almost unbearable. The only thing that distracts me from it is the thought of my first day at school tomorrow. I can feel my heartbeat pounding against my ribs already and I feel my anxiety start to kick in. Tomorrow. Oh crap, tomorrow. My eyes shoot open at the thought, I look up at my ceiling in my new room and stretch my body out on my bed. I need to get out of this room before I drive my self insane. I throw on my purple jumper and black pants then slip on my black boots. Cigarettes in my pocket, hidden from my parents sight I begin to stomp down the stairs. Once I reach the front door I can feel my parents eyes burning into the back of my head. Guilt. I ignore there silent pleas for attention and immerse myself into the freezing cold air. The wind is brutal, I can feel it cut through my skin like sharp blades all over my face. Once clear of my front yard I reach for a cigarette and light it immedietly, I feel the warm smoke travel through my body finding its way into my lungs. Warmth. Time passes incredibly quickly, before I know it I’m at the very spot that I’ve been trying to avoid. Dead ahead of me reads the sign, “Thomas Mills High School” Despite the freezing cold I can feel my palms begin to sweat, my forhead feels clammy and my head starts spinning, before it gets worse I turn on my heel and walk home at a faster pace. I make it back after sundown and I know what Im in for, one foot in the door and my mother starts.

“where had you been Lauren! You’ve missed tea! now it’s gone cold!” I stare at her blankly then retaliate.

“I find it hard to believe it was ever warm.” I said

Ignoring her angry expression I sit at the table. Inhaling my food with great speed I head off to bed, knowing its early but I don’t care, sleep will be my escape from the crippling fear of tomorrow. First stop is the bathroom, I brush my teeth and slowly untangle my long blonde hair before throwing it up in a pony tail. I put on my pjs and jump into the warm, inviting bed. However sleep does not come easy for me tonight, it felt like hours before I finally drifted off. 7AM. That alarm! My god! There has to be a less alarming sound on my phone, then I suppose that defeats the purpose. Opening my eyes I suddenly come to the realization that I am no longer in my room opposite the golden beach in Australia. I sit up slowly and look out the window, nope. No beach, although the view was still breath taking in a very different way. I twist my body off the bed and let my bare feet touch the icy wooden floor. Socks! I need socks, might as well get dressed now. I drag myself to the cupboard and look into the black hole with nothing Inside it. Oh, I haven’t unpacked. I look to the box beside me and begin digging through trying to find something appealing and appropriate for the weather. My black pants from yesterday were still clean and maybe my grey baseball tee with a denim jacket. At least this school didnt have a uniform, Socks and my white converse shoes to finish it off. I apply very little make up and let my hair fall down my back with it parted down the middle. Of course my parents are waiting down stairs for me with their camera pointed directly at my face. “smile!…. Please honey” dad says with a hopeful grin. I have been pretty cold to them lately and today would be no different. No smile, I don’t think I physically could smile today. The flash blinds me for a second, gripping to the side rail I continue down the stairs and towards the table. I grab my lunch and place it in my red back pack as well as an apple for breakfast, there is no way I could stomach a big breakfast.

“would you like a lift to school chicken?” I glare at my father, I’ve always hated that nickname.

“no thankyou, I think I’ll walk.” I said.

Heading out the door before he can argue with me. There it was again, “Thomas Mills High School” Crap. I can’t do this, what if everybody hate me and makes fun of my accent. Sweaty palms, clammy forehead. Migraine.

“ughhhh” I said under my breath.

I walk through the gates with my head down, walking towards the front office. The lady was nice enough and told me where my first class was before giving me a map and my time table. At least I’ll be early, maybe I can slip in with no one noticing. Room 142. I peer through the window and gasp at the amount of heads I see inside. “what!?” Must have took longer to get here than I thought. Well here goes. Inhaling deeply I turn the handle and enter. All eyes turn to me.

“can I help you?” says the short Italian woman.

Walking up to her I make no eye contact with the students, handing over my note that explains my enrollment.

“Oh yes! You must be Loren Clarkson from Australia! I can tell by your tan dear!” She begins to chuckle loudly, but I could still hear the class talking amongst themselves and I can feel my cheeks burning red. “well take your seat in the corner there Loren, welcome to England!” I give her a queasy smile and spot the only vacant seat in the room.

Slumping down into it I can still feel the eyes of the other students, my eyes however do not leave my desk. As the lesson continues I relax knowing that everyone will be going on with what they were doing and not talking about me, but I can still feel something. Reluctantly I begin looking around the room, taking in all the faces one by one trying to find the sorce of the staring feeling. That’s when i saw him. Those blue eyes met my green, we stared at each other for what felt like hours, once again my cheeks flushed a bright ruby red. I looked down at my desk again, his face etched into my brain. Those blue eyes and that bright orange hair. 

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