Chapter 18

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I waited for her to show up all day, she never answered her phone or replied to any of my messages. I shouldn’t be so worried considering last time I saw Loren was this morning in my bedroom, but why didn’t she turn up for school?
All these questions are starting to drive me mad, I have to see if she’s ok.
I flip my guitar over my shoulder and start for the school gate, my thoughts interrupted by Vinny’s booming voice.
“Ed where are you going?”
I turn to him and I can see his worried eyes searching my face for an answer.
“Mate I can’t just sit around waiting for her to show up, lunch is almost over and I still haven’t heard from her. Why am I the only one who thinks that’s odd?”
Vinny took a step towards me with a frustrated expression while the others simply watched.
“Because Ed sometimes people take a day off school? What is it with you two? You’re not joined by the hip, Jesus I can’t even remember that last time I saw either of you separately!”
I bite my lip as I restrain myself from lashing out at Vinny, none of them understand why I’m so worried about her. Sure she could just be sick but I wanted to see for myself, I wasn’t focusing on my school work anyway.
I give Vinny a shrug and turn away, taking up a quick pace towards the exit of the school.

As I’m walking up Loren’s long driveway I notice that her curtains are drawn and her music can be heard from down the street, I hurry to her front door and begin to knock loudly.
Why did I bother, I slowly go inside and drop my guitar at the bottom of the stairs.
Making my way up towards her bedroom door I can already hear her, the music drowns her out but I know she is definitely inside.
I silently turn the handle and immediately my eyes find her, sitting on the floor at the end of her bed. Knees tucked up to her chest and blonde hair a mess, she’s without a shirt and her expression is blank.
I enter her room, expecting her green eyes to flick up towards me and her lips to greet me with a warm smile. Instead her eyes remain focused on the floor, face expressionless and the purple under her eyes growing deeper. 
I open my mouth to speak and the only word I can form is her name, my throat feels raw as I speak.
Her eyes close and her face relaxes, lips curving up to a smile her head tilts back and she lets out a soft laugh.
“You sound so much like him”
I take the final steps toward her and kneel down, I reach my arm out to her and just as my fingers touch her icy skin she jumps away from me and lets out a small scream, the whites of her eyes show and her trembling fingers cover her mouth.
“I’m sorry”

I say in a whisper, too afraid that anything else I do or say will only scare her more. 
She seems frozen and she continues to gaze at me, I can’t help but think back to the first time I saw her in class. Her olive skin glowing and her bright green eyes finding mine, I have grown to love her so much more then I ever thought I could love another person. Too see her like this brakes me down.
I fall to my knees and wait for her to react, I so badly want to hold her but we are both too afraid to move.
Finally her hands fall away from her face and her bottom lip begins to quiver as she attempts to smile.
“I was hoping you would come for me.”
Her voice was so quiet and over the loud music I could hardly hear a thing but I could understand her completely.
I give her a comforting smile before reaching over to switch the music off, I turn back to her and she is simply staring at me.
We were both on the floor together, a meter apart just looking at one another.
Her eyes began to fill with water and my immediate reaction was to hold her, I launch forward and throw my arms around her naked torso. She begins to sob into my shoulder as her arms wrap around me, her fingers digging into my back.
I bury my face into her hair and squeeze her tightly.
“What happened to you today?”
I say to her while still refusing to let her go, she tilts her face up towards mine with red eyes and wet cheeks.
“I’ve been trapped in here all day, they wouldn’t let me leave”
I look down into her eyes and place my hand on her cheek.
“Your parents?”
She shakes her head and looks down.
I swallow hard as my mind begins to race, her soft breath touches my neck and I slowly graze my thumb along her jawline.
“I’m here now so let’s get out of this room yeah?”
Her eyes close and she sighs deeply, I look down and notice her legs were covered with mud obviously from her trip last night.
“Come on, I’ll put you in the shower”
Loren nods at me and I stand up and pull her up with me, My hand wraps through hers and she grips onto me tightly.
I slowly lead her out into the hallway and her grip gets even harder, when we enter the bathroom she lets go of my hand and slams the door shut behind us then locks it. She leans her head against it and groans, I turn around and begin to fiddle with the shower taps and soon the hot water splutters to life. Turning to her I see she still hasn’t moved away from the door, I walk up to her and place my hands on her shoulders and slowly move them down her body till they rest at the top of her muddy jeans. She slowly twists her body to towards me and nods, allowing me to strip her of the rest of her clothing.
I tug on her pants and knickers until they are off completely then she steps out of them, she shivers and her skin begins to turn slightly blue. I lead her towards the shower but she stops before getting in.
“You’re coming in too right?”
Her eyes pleading with me and her hand touches mine, I give her a small nod and she begins to undress me.
Starting with my red jumper she unzips it and pulls it off my shoulders while at the same time giving me a small kiss on the lips.
Loren begins to tug at the bottom of my shirt and I pull it over my head, I take off my trousers and boxers and finally I remove my shoes and socks.
Thinking back to the door I’m relieved she locked it, I take the lead and pull her into the shower behind me, the hot water creating steam all around us. It was almost too thick to see through.
Looking at Loren she seems disoriented and lost, I take her hand and pull her under the stream of water. Her face crumples as the water bounces off her skin, her eyes close as I take the soap from the shower shelf and rub it onto the cloth, with it I begin to gently clean the dirt from her hands.

It didn’t take me long at all to finish washing her, she remained perfectly still and didn’t say a word.
I drop the cloth and quickly flick my hair from my eyes, she turns to me and give me a small sad smile.
“What is it?”
I ask her softly and she simply looks down at the drain beneath us and her voice comes out as a whisper.
“I’m a disaster…. How can you still want to be with me” 
I can’t help but feel frustrated now, I grab her waist and pull her body into mine and she stares at me in shock as she was obviously not expecting this.
The water pours down on the both of us almost making it hard to breathe.
“What else do I have to do to show you how much I fucking love you Loren.  All I want is for you to be happy, that’s it!”
Her hands resting on my chest she gives me a proper smile, the one I have been aching to see.
“I am happy… when I’m with you I am happy.”
She fills the gap between us as her lips find mine and she gives me a passionate kiss, her tongue finding mine.
I shiver as her hands slowly travel down my body, she pushes me gently into the wall of the shower and her wet body is pressed against my own. Before this goes any further I pull my lips away from hers and put her face in my hands.
“Are you ok to do this now?”
She rolls her eyes and laughs.
“You don’t have to be a gentlemen all the time you know”
This wiped away any thoughts of me holding back on her, she was still the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I give her a small smirk and move my hand to the back of her damp hair and pull her in to kiss me.
Her lips pressed hard against my own I keep one hand in her hair and the other on the small of her back, I flip her around so now her back is against the wall.
I slip my body in between her legs push her up, her legs wrapping around me tightly.
Moving my lips from her mouth down her neck and over her collarbone then in between her breasts. I rest my hands on her hips and I can feel myself getting harder, I begin to suck on her neck and smile as I can hear her moaning already.
Pushing myself into her completely I immediately begin thrusting, making her moan louder then she did before. 
Her arms under my shoulders with her hands gripping onto my shoulder blades I was surprised at how comfortable this position really was.
Being in the shower with her was the most intense thing I have ever done in my life and I knew it was for her too.
Loren’s wet lips grazed up my neck then up to my ear lobe, she gently tugged on it with her teeth making me groan, I could hear her softly giggle which was soon replaced by more moaning and her legs wrapping tighter around me.

When we had both finished we talked for ages under the hot water, it was almost as if earlier in her bedroom never happened.
I turned off the taps and we both wrapped ourselves in dry towels before running off down the hall and into her room to get changed.
Her long blonde hair dripping down her chest and back, it was hard not to stare at her, although I guess now I’m allowed to.
We both put on comfortable clothes and she jumped into her bed as I began playing her guitar. She watched me play while she was wrapped up in her thick white blanket.
It was hard to concentrate when she was looking this cute and warm, all I wanted to do was join her.
Soon enough I did and we hid under the covers and continued kissing until her parents got home later that afternoon. I can’t help but worry about her but for now I’m happy just to be here with her. I’m not going anywhere.

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