Chapter 11

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The next couple of days went by in a blur, I was ontop of all my school work for once in my life thanks to Ed coming over to help me study, We were back to normal and I was planning to keep it that way, although I was missing the feel of his lips against mine. We hadn’t kissed since that morning against his car and that was over a week ago now. However we do still hold hands on our walks to and from school. 

Today is the day before the school dance and our grade was slowly shuffling inside the hall to get ready for the assembly, apparently they always have one before a school event to remind us to be on our best behavior.

I found a seat near the front right next to Jade and Vinny, I look all around ignoring the questioning faces and the dirty glare from Missy behind me, Why can’t I see Ed anywhere. I take my phone out and decide to send him a text. 

Loren- Where are you? x

I continue to look around while I wait for his response. 

Ed- I’ll be in there soon ;)

The principle comes out onto the stage before us so I quickly shove my phone in my bag, still checking the doorways expecting Ed to walk in.

Finally the principle finishes his long and incredibly boring speech about cafeteria food before walking off the stage, then I see Ed, his guitar held out in front of him with a smile on his face.

He’s walking across the stage and gives the crowd a small nod, he takes a seat on the stool that’s placed center stage and everyone begins to clap for him.

I can’t believe this, I turn to Jade with a huge grin on my face.

“Is he performing!?”

She looks at me with her eyebrows raised.

“Well obviously! You’re in for a treat Loren, his school performance’s are always spectacular!”

I look dead ahead and I see Ed smile at me and give me a wink, The audience begins to slow down the applause as Ed begins strumming. 

No one made a sound except for Ed, everyone was glued to their seats and stared at the flame haired boy before us. My cheeks were beginning to ache from smiling, then he started singing.

Happy days that left us on the floor and you breathe me till you’re not feeling sure. Everything will brighten up If we go to Brighton, I’ll take you along thePier.”

I bit my lip and feel my cheeks flush as I listen to the lyrics he has obviously written recently, he seemed so engrossed in his song, as if the whole crowd has faded away. He played his guitar so naturally and his voice was soft as velvet. I’m sure every girl in this room was falling in love with him, I know I was.

Darling, don’t be nervous. I’ll understand if you’ll let me go”

Listening to this was almost hard for me, I couldn’t help but feel like he was reading out his diary to me. All of his feelings that were once on paper, but he used his gift to turn it to music. For everyone else to listen too…

I couldn’t tell if people were staring at me or not, was I being paranoid?

I push my hair from my face, determined to flush these thoughts from my mind and to focus on Ed. I watch him continue on with his song.

“Maybe, I’ll put you to a test and say that I love you.

I think that I love you”

Ed’s eyes quickly flickered up to mine when he sang out those words and my heart began to pound hard against my ribs.

Why did he choose this song to sing? I wish he had kept this private and sung it to me at the tree.

No I can’t think like that, he has every right to sing and write whatever he likes, besides I’m sure no one else would connect this song to myself.

When Ed finished his song he mumbled a shy thank you into the microphone and began to walk off stage. Everyone clapped widely and whistled, everyone except Missy who just sat there with A smug look on her face. I overhead her say to her minions.

“He is so sweet, I’m positive he wrote that about me. Remember in grade eight when our class went to Brighton, well I’m pretty sure he was there too…. He wants me but he is to shy to say it.”

This didn’t make me angry at all, I could care less what that girl has to say.

I can feel someone watching me though and I turn to Jade once again, she had her arms folded across her chest with one eyebrow raised.

“What?” I say to her softly.

“You could have told me about you two” she said with a smile.

I frown at her and purse my lips together.

“What are you talking about?”

Jade rolled her eyes at me then gave a small laugh.

“Oh please! You could cut the sexual tension with a butter knife Loren, you’re not fooling me”

I begin to stutter as I try to come up with some clever retort, she turns away to save me the embarrassment.

When the assembly was finished and the students began to pour out into the courtyard, I didn’t waste anytime getting out of there.

With my bag over my shoulder I scampered off to my next class, I don’t need to wait for Ed. It’s not as if we were stuck like glue together, It made me frustrated to think how odd I truly feel when walking with out Ed.

When I was almost to my seat inside English I noticed my phone vibrate in my bag, taking it out I see “Sexy Ginger” light up on my screen.

Ed- Where did you run off too?

Normally I would dart my fingers along the keypad at full speed to reply as quick as possible but I figure I will see him in here soon enough. 

I take a deep breath in and relax into my chair as I impatiently wait for the rest of the class to join.

After the teacher began the lesson Ed finally walked through the door, he stared at me in confusion as he sat down beside me.

“What’s up? I didn’t see you after assembly?”

I look at Ed and I feel guilty, I notice a small hint of sadness in his eyes.

“I- Uh… Figured I would see you in here”

Ed gave me a slow nod and turned to face the teacher, I placed my arm on his hand and moved in closer to him.

“Jade just told me that you and I have sexual tension? It got to me a little, that’s all.”

Ed laughed out loud causing everyone to look our way, the teacher gave an impatient cough and Ed mouthed an apology her way before slumping back in his seat next to me.

“Why is that funny?” I say in a whisper.

“You just seemed so surprised, it’s kind of cute actually”

 He said with a small chuckle, I gave him a gentle nudge in the arm.

“Loren about tomorrow night, what time should I come by and get you?”

I keep forgetting about tomorrow night!

“Oh uhm, How does seven sound?”

Ed smiled at me causing the hair on my arm to stand on end. He was very cute.


For the rest of the class Ed and I subtly held hands, no one else noticed but even if they did I would not have cared. I wrapped my fingers through his and squeezed tightly, once again he moved his thumb up and down slowly on my hand making me shiver.

Tomorrow night will be great, I can tell. 

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