Chapter 20

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Taking out my hair band I let my hair fall down over my shoulders, I finish up my makeup and open my door silently. Sneaking out was such a burden but I knew that tonight it was necessary. I grab my mint coloured vans and quietly sneak down the hallway, slowly making my decent down into the lounge room. Taking a deep breath in I grab the front door knob and bite down on my lip as the hinges let out a high pitch squeal.

I stand at the door way for a minute, making sure my parents were still asleep, feeling confident that I haven’t woken anyone up I exit the house and silently close the door behind me. I begin to jog down the driveway and I can’t help but smile as I can just make out Ed’s car in the distance.


I couldn’t help but feel nervous for Loren, if she gets caught then we will both be in even more trouble. My mum wasn’t happy with me going out tonight either but I told her that it was my gig tonight so it was crucial that I be there. I fiddle with the car radio until I find a decent channel when the passenger door swings open and Loren jumps in.

“Mission accomplished Mr. Bond”

She says while giving me a sly wink before leaning in to give me a kiss, Her hand grabs the back of my neck and she slides her tongue into my mouth ever so slightly. She tastes like alcohol and it makes me feel drunk just from the feel of her wet lips. I can feel goosebumps all over my skin and I shiver slightly, I kiss her back then pull away slowly and look her up and down. She looks amazing.

“You look really…”

I look up at her and she smiles at me brightly, I completely loose my train of thought. I shrug with a smile playing on my lips and turn the car on and we begin to drive towards the town center with the radio up loudly and both windows down so we could enjoy a smoke. I notice in the corner of my eye Loren rummaging through her jacket pockets until she pulls out a silver flask, she unscrews the lid and takes a long swig from the bottle. 

“What are you drinking?”

I ask her curiously, she then turns to me with a serious look and gives me a small shrug. 

“Whiskey and Coke? Why you want some?”

I laugh and shake my head. 

“No thanks, I’m driving. Maybe when we get there.” 

On arriving I find a decent car park near the bar’s entrance, I switch the car off and immediately take the metal flask from Loren’s grasp, eager to catch up to her. “Hold on to that would you? I’m already a bit drunk… I had some before I left” 

She flings open the door and gets out to stretch her back, I notice her top ever so slightly creep up her body as her arms stretch over her head.

I admire her back dimples before taking another swig of the bottle. 

We walk towards the bar together and I began to sweet talk our way inside, it was easier then I expected considering I have only played here a few times before.

The air was thick of smoke from the fog machines on stage, the lights were dimmed but the lasers would flash all around the room making it hard to see. Whenever I came to play here it was always really mellow with one simple light shining onto the stage, I suppose the fellow who was performing tonight has a very different type of music to my own. 

Taking a long look around the room I don’t expect to see anyone from our school here but of course Missy Johnson was standing at the bar with a small group of girls silently judging every other girl in the building, I watch her eyes find Loren and the look she gives her was not a pleasant one. She looks over at me and gives me a slow wave, I give her a reluctant nod and turn the other way grabbing onto Loren’s hand tightly.

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