Chapter 6

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When recess finally came around I wasted no time heading out the door, Zig zagging my way through the sea of people and it didn’t take me long to reach the music room. I look through the window and see Ed speaking with the bearded teacher and they seem to be having a very serious discussion, Ed spots me and immedietly I can see his panic, it didn’t take a genius to realize he was telling me to hide. Shit, this area was completely bare there was nothing to hide behind and if I ran now it would look suspicious.

I back away from the window and look for somewhere, anywhere!

Footsteps are heading in my direction. I really don’t want to get into trouble my first week! I slowly back away and stand behind the door, it opens and the man steps out.

“I’m trusting you Mr.Sheeran, don’t let me down” he says in a stern voice.

I freeze up trying not to breathe, i start to relax when those footsteps fade Into the distance.

My phone goes off making me jump backwards slamming my head again the side of the door.

“Ouch!” I yell out before covering my mouth, biting down on my hand trying to stop myself from crying. I gently rub my sore skull and reach for my phone and read the text

Ed- “you can come in now”

I emerge from behind the door and see Ed clutching his sides in laughter, he had obviously heard everything. I walk into the room ignoring him and grab a guitar while dropping my bag with a thud.

“Shut up, that was your fault. You could have just called out.” I say in an angry voice but really, I would laugh too if the roles were reversed.

I sit on a chair and wait for him impatiently to stop laughing, resting my chin on the body of the guitar.

“Ok! Ok I’m done! Sorry, is your head ok?”

I could see him suppressing the rest of his laughter, I respond in a mumble.

“No, it really hurts actually.”

It was true, my head was throbbing but usually I deal with physical pain privately, however Ed should feel bad for laughing at my misfortune.

Ed’s face turned serious and he put down his guitar and walked over to me.

“Shit really? Well show me then?”

I sighed and took his hand in mine, guiding it through the back of my hair to find the sore swollen spot.

“Just a bump on the noggin, you’ll be fine I’m sure” he said with a reassuring smile.

I dropped my hand but he did not, he rested his hand on the back of my head for a few seconds longer, then his eyes widened and he looked like he had just woken up. He turned away and sat over on his chair, guitar in hand.

“So what did the beard say to you?” I said curious as to why I got this injury in the first place.

“Oh he just said the usual, one person at a time and if he catches anyone else in here it will be detention for everyone involved”

We played some songs to one another and it felt nice to share this side of me with someone else, I still found it frustrating though because he was so much more advanced then me. After recess we both went to the class we first met in, we got there early so we could sit next to one another at the back of the class.

A few people looked our way, some looked irratated because we had obviously messed up the seating causing friends to be separated for an hour. This made me feel uncomfortable, Ed was busy texting Joey and matt explaining where we were at recess.

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