Chapter 5

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That was the worst nights sleep I have ever experienced in my entire life, any tiny noise would make me jump through my skin thanks to Ed and his stupid story. I was still in bed with the covers wrapped tightly around me, the early morning light bursting through my window, I reached over and grabbed my phone from my nightstand. Flicking through my phone for Ed’s name It took me a while to realize he had put his number under “Sexy Ginger”

I laughed and started my message.

“Morning sexy ginger, I know it’s ridiculously early but I figure if I get no sleep because of you and your stories then you should suffer with me”

I pressed send and waited for his reply which took a mere 30 seconds.


“I knew you were scared! You’re a terrible liar. To be honest I scared myself, I couldn’t help but think, what if those kids traveled through the pipes for food and now they live under my bed!”


“If they were looking for food why would they live under your bed?”


“I’m a pretty messy person…”


“haha gross, well I’m wide awake… Want to come over for breakfast or something? We could walk to school together?”


“On my way”

His final text made me jump out of bed and scurry around my room looking for clothes, dark purple high waisted jeans and my Beatles shirt. White converses.

I race to the bathroom and do the usual, I put little effort in my hair this time letting it stay it’s natural wavy.

I hurry to my room to get my bag ready for school, my nerves get the better of me and I take peek out my window. There he is walking towards my front door, he looks up and catches me staring. I cover by giving a small wave. He smiles up at me, how is it I can see his dimples from here?

I walk down my stairs and open the front door.

“Do come in govnah! Care for a spot of tea?”

Ed laughs at my attempt at a british accent while stepping over the threshold.

“Indeed! A cup of tea sounds splendid love”

We both laughed while I boiled the kettle.


I take seat next to Loren at her kitchen table, I look at her and smile and take small sips from my cup. She makes excellent tea, sweet just the way I like it.

Once we have both munched down our toast we start the walk to school, we both light up at the same time and start asking each other questions. They started off innocent enough but as the walk went on they got a little more intimate, which I was fine with.

“So have you got a guuurl friend at this school.”

I looked at Loren and gave her a cheeky smile.

“If I did don’t you think you would know about her by now?”

Loren looked down at her shoes and said

“well I don’t know, I thought maybe Holly or Jade…”

I interrupted her sentence swiftly

“No no it’s not like that, Jade and Joey are together though. Holly has had a few fellas now and then and Matt gets whatever he can.” 

“well what about you?”

Loren looked at me curiously and I could feel my palms starting to get sweaty, what should I say.

“Uhm I kind of keep to myself, I mean I’ve never met anyone that I’ve really clicked with before… What about you, anyone waiting for you back at home?”

I watched her reaction, she simply shook her head.

“Nope, I’m the same. Bit of a loner”

My thoughts went back to her art book and all the faces in it.

“your art book was swimming with faces, you can’t be that much of a loner?”

Her eyes filled with worry I watched her stutter, feeling bad I changed the subject.


“I find it hard to believe you don’t have guys climbing over each other to get to you though”

Did Ed really just say that? I could feel my entire face burning red, I nervously flicked my hair over my shoulder while thinking of what to say.


Really… That was the only thing I could come up with.

“Well I don’t know, I mean you’re funny and talented and it doesn’t hurt that you’re ridiculously pretty.”

Oh my… I could feel my heat pounding and I was starting to feel sick. No one has ever said something like that to me before, I was happy with my appearance and I have been called pretty before I spose, but this was different. I never took anyones compliments on board before but I could tell Ed really meant it. Simply out of old habit I look down at the ground and whisper.

“No I’m not…”

That’s when he turned to me with frustration written all over his face.

“But you are!”

I’m not quite sure why he got so defensive, I mean ninety percent of girls react the same way I do when called pretty. We walked through the school corridor in silence, it was almost empty. Class had started but I didn’t want to part on an awkward note.

“Thanks for keeping me company this morning, we still on for the music room today?” 

Ed nodded and gave me a smile but it was different, he looked sad.

This made me ache all over, fuck I don’t want him to be upset with me. Then I did something which was extremely out of character. I launched forward and wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, squeezing him because I was afraid he would throw me off. I was hugging him and he hugged me back, I could feel his arms slowly wrap around my waist and he squeezed just as hard as I did. I never noticed how good he smells. We stayed that way for a few seconds until we could hear some other students laughing, I pulled away and wrapped my arms tightly around myself and looked down at my shoes, slightly embarrassed.

“See you in a bit” Ed said, I looked up and caught his smile just before he walked away. His real smile.


Walking to my first class was surreal, I still can’t believe that had just happened. She had wiped away all my insecurities with just one hug. Our walk to school had upset me, I suppose I made that obvious. I couldn’t help but think this girl was way out of my league, she doesn’t even know how pretty she is and its only a matter of time before the other guys in the school notice. I felt ridiculous even talking to her, but she hugged me. so I guess that means she wants me around. Im still not sure why I care so much?


I think I like this girl. I think I’ve always liked this girl.

This could end badly for me. All I can do is act normally and everything will be fine.

Yes everything will be fine.

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