Chapter 10

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I woke that morning to the sound of a car pulling out of the driveway, I jumped out of bed and ran to the window. Was Ed really leaving now?

I let out a sigh of relief when i noticed it was just my parents, I turn to the long mirror and let my hair fall out so it hangs slightly over my face. Still in my Pj’s I reach the top of the staircase and I can hear Ed humming to himself from down stairs, curiosity got the better of me and I quietly made my way down the stairs. I could hear him crystal clear now.

If I kiss you will your mouth read this truth, darling how I’ll miss you. Strawberries taste how lips do and it’s not complete yet….. diving in too soon?… uhm.. Shit…”

I can see him now and I think of last night, why do I feel happy and worried at the same time. He was sitting at the breakfast table jotting down words in a small black book, I feel rude spying on him now so i decide to speak up. 


He turns to me quickly, obviously I startled him. Should I kiss him or act normal? Oh this is strange…

“Hey! uhm how long have you been awake for?”

“Just woke up then, how did you sleep?”

I can see the small smile forming before he quickly stops himself.

“Fantastic thanks, yourself?

I smiled as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink, the same colour as my own.

“Yeah, great actually.” 

I walk past him and start the kettle and get two mugs ready.

“Did my mum and dad say anything to you when they left?”

I ask him curiously as he stands and leans on the kitchen counter while facing me.

“Yes! They said that they were going to the markets and to remind you that you have a  maths assignment to start.”

Well this news ruins my morning, I slouch over and rest my head on the counter while letting out a frustrated moan.

“Don’t worry about it, you will be fine, I have to get home and do my History essay anyway”

It was strange how he knew the real reason I was annoyed, not because I had to do school work but because we would have to be separated for the entire day, I feel like we have so much to talk about.

We drank our tea while discussing boring school work but I felt like there was a giant elephant in the room and it looked a lot like that couch and what happend on it last night. Should I say something about it? Well it didn’t seem like he was going to speak of it, were we going to act like it didn’t happen?

I spose it wouldn’t be hard considering it was a moment of weakness on my part, dazed and sleepy I let my guard down.

I didn’t regret it though.


After our tea I thought it would be a good idea to go out to the tree before we part ways, usually that’s where we feel most comfortable talking and I think we needed to talk.

We both sit on the trunk and face each other while lighting each others cigarettes, I watched her nervously play with her fingers and all I wanted to do was to grab her hands and make her feel more comfortable. Why couldn’t I do that? I had to say something about it.

“Do you think… your parents heard anything from uh… last night?”

Fuck why did I just say that. With my free hand I ruffled my orange hair and refused to look Loren in the eye.

“Oh.. um.. I have no idea. I hope not.”

I could feel the awkward silence and how uncomfortable this situation was, I thought that after what happened we would be closer? I’m so bloody confused and I need to clear my head.

“Well I should really head off, that essay won’t write itself…”

Loren nodded to me and began standing up, she walked me to my car in silence. I was waiting for her to tell me not to call her again but instead I could feel her hand slightly touch mine, i followed my instinct and I grabbed it. From the corner of my eye I could see her smiling.


Thank god he took my hand, the silence was starting to make me feel physically sick. I gripped his hand for dear life, afraid that once he let go we wouldn’t see each other anymore.

Why was this morning so awkward? I think this was my doing.

We reached his car and he opened the driver door with one hand, the other starting to let go of mine. He turned to face me and his blue eyes looked lost, what was I doing? What were we doing?

I didn’t want him to go thinking I was regretting what happened last night because I really didn’t, I was afraid that if i acted flirty with him this morning that we would automatically become a couple. It scared me.

I have never done this before and it was all so new, I ruined this morning and I needed to make up for it. Just as he was about to open his mouth to say goodbye I leaned forward and gave him a small soft kiss. 

He didn’t wrap his arms around me and I didn’t use my tounge either. This seemed different from last night. This kiss was more of a “I’m sorry, please know I love you” kind of kiss.

When I pulled away he seemed more confused then ever.

“I… I didn’t expect that” he said while looking down at his shoes.

“Sorry…” I mumbled and turned bright red, I stared down at my fumbling fingers again and I felt his lips gently kiss my temple which made me feel instantly better. 

“Don’t be sorry, I’m sorry. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable”

This kind of annoyed me, only because I was the one who made this whole situation uncomfortable.

“No Ed, You haven’t done anything wrong, it’s me. I’ve never done this before and it just freaks me out a bit because I think that I’m falling in…”

Oh god I can’t believe I almost said that, my eyes go wide in shock and I cover my mouth. I said it so fast maybe he didn’t understand me, I will cling to this theory for now. Then I felt his warm fingers pull mine away from my face, I reluctantly look at him and to my suprise he is smiling at me.

“What was that?” he said with a cheeky grin.

I turn my back and cover my entire face this time, too embarrassed to speak. 


I remained still, hoping he would just drive away. Instead I felt his hands grip my waist, he turned me around and pulled me into his chest, hugging me tightly.

“You can’t do that, you have to speak to me.” his words muffled in my hair.

“No I don’t” I said stubbornly.

I could feel him let out a sigh and he stepped away from me then, my eyes found the floor once more.

“I get it, you don’t feel comfortable using your words.” He said with a chuckle.

I simply nodded.

His hand softly gripped my chin then and I felt his lips on mine. Thank god no more talking. I pushed my body into his and we both fell against the car frame, our lips slowly moving on each others. I was still a bit jittery so I kept my hands on his shoulders while we kissed but we stayed this way for a while before he finally pulled away with a smile.

“I really should go now. I’ll see you tomorrow though and don’t be nervous ok, we don’t have to talk about anything until you want to.”

I slowly nodded and gave him a small kiss before he jumped in his car.

I stood there glued to the spot as I watched the orange haired boy drive away in the red car.

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