Chapter 3

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Why did I think it would be a good idea bringing my guitar to school today, carrying the thing is incredibly annoying. although I could have avoided this annoyance by accepting my dads offer of a lift to school. I like walking though, it clears my head and gives me enough time to mentally prepare myself for the day ahead, also I’d rather not sit in a small car with my father having awkward conversation.

I still haven’t made any friends and today I think I will work on that.

I push the front gate of the school open and head towards my first class, history. 

Once in my seat at the back of the room I search the class for the boy with orange hair but there was no sign of him, I felt a slight sting of disappointment quickly followed by relief.

My day went by rather quickly and I spent my recess in the music room once again, this time I was not interrupted. When lunch came I thought a change of scenery was in order, I had noticed on the other side of the oval there was a small group of giant trees. The perfect spot to have a cigarette without being hassled by teachers. Halfway to the serene looking spot I noticed it was already occupied by a group of people. Two girls, A short blonde with perfect teeth and pale skin standing next to a tall red head with very dark eye makeup, both were smoking and laughing at each others jokes. Three guys, a hippie with short brown dreds holding a joint, A tall, muscular, Italian looking boy fixing his dark wavy hair. Then finally an orange haired boy holding onto a small beaten up looking guitar.

Just as I made up my mind to turn around, all five of them looked up at me. Great, if I left now I would look like a snob.

I continued walking towards the spot but I strayed over a fair few meters, keeping my distance.

Taking out my iPod I played my depressing playlist loud in my ears then lit up a cigarette, I was planning on having a very peaceful lunch and those prying eyes would not strip me of that.

Cigarette In one hand and pencil in the other, I had my sketch book in lap and started drawing.

I was completely submersed in my own world, music blaring and hands both occupied.

Completely unaware of the person standing over my shoulder, until his shadow showed up in front of me.

Spinning my body around to see whom it could be, I should have known it was him. His lips were moving but I heard nothing, I dropped my pencil and quickly ripped the headphones from my ears.


He raised his eyebrows and nodded towards my drawing.

“my eyes.. They’re not that far apart are they?”

What on earth was he talking about, I turn my head to get a look at my drawing and immediately I feel sick.

I can’t believe it, I had drawn him! His face was staring right up at me from my book!

What should I say!.. This was so humiliating, I dropped my cigarette and slammed my book shut before turning on the boy with blue eyes.

“That’s not you!” I say in defense.

“oh, sorry I just assumed, only because that fellow in your drawing has the same birthmark as me”

I was expecting his cocky grin to make an appearance but a friendly smile showed instead.

“It was just the shading I was trying something different. Why were you standing behind me? How long have you been standing there?” 

That’s not the first time I’ve asked him that.

“just for a second I swear, look I’m sorry if I scared you…again” 

Standing up swiftly I start collecting my things and throwing them in my bag.

“you didn’t scare me! You just startled me that’s all. Maybe you should wear a bell so next time I know when your around”

He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

“well I just came over here to see if you’d like to join us, that’s all. I feel bad for eavesdropping yesterday.. And for catching you drawing me”

Wow, that was really nice of him. Wait. 

” I wasn’t drawing you!”

He laughed while sliding his hands in his baggy jeans.

” Sure, ok.” he winked at me then nodded in the direction of his friends.

I threw my bag over my shoulders, followed by my guitar and started walking alongside him. I did say I would try today.

“Lads and ladies, this here is Loren”

How did he know my name? My thought interrupted by the chorus of friendly greetings, I smiled and returned the nods.

“Are you really from Australia!” I looked at the blonde girl and smiled.

“Yeah I uh.. Moved here on Sunday”

“That’s so cool! anyway I’m Holly and next to me is Jade”

I looked at the red head and smiled, she did the same. Then the Italian boy stepped towards me.

“Ciao bella” He raised his eyebrows repeatedly and grinned.

“Shutup Vinny you were born in wales” said the boy in my drawing.

Everyone laughed, even me. I was waiting to hear what his name was but the hippie was next.

“I’m Joey, nice to meet you” he held his hand out and I shook it while turning to the orange haired boy.

Then the bell for next class sounded. Everyone began collecting their things while asking me all sorts of different questions like how I was liking England and school. They all seemed really lovely.

We walked back to the main building in a large group finishing off cigarettes while asking and answering questions, slowly the group got smaller until finally it was just me and him.

We were standing outside my maths building in silence for what felt like forever… I had to say something. I need to know his name.

“thanks for introducing me to your mates”

He smiled.

“no worries, thanks for making my face a piece of art”

“It isn’t…. Ugh whatever. Think what you want.”

I smiled at him, it was the first time Since I’ve been here in this country that it wasn’t forced.

“Well Don’t wanna be late, I’ll see you tomorrow though yeah?”

He started to head off down the hallway, I still didnt know his name!

I started running towards him, 

“Wait!”I grabbed his arm as he turned to face me.

“I still don’t know your name?” 

He gave me a small half smile, causing his dimples to come out. I bit my bottom lip waiting for his reply.

“It’s Ed…. Sheeran”

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