Chapter 12

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Only one more hour and Ed will be downstairs waiting for me, what if I’m not ready in time! At least my mum has done my makeup for me, she did it quite nice actually. Looking in the mirror I admire her steady hand, my eyes have a silver, glittery shadow around them and my eyelashes were perfect. She made my cheeks a light pink colour and my lips were left bare, only a smooth cover of gloss on top of them.

As happy as I was about my makeup my hair was still useless, hanging down the sides of my face looking limp.

I hurry along down my hall way to the bathroom and get to work on it, my hair was naturally wavy so all I did was add in some extra curls as well as a lot of hair product and I ended up being happy with the end result.

I smile at my reflection and I can start to feel my excitement bubbling up, I skip to my room and begin to slip on my dress. It was a white strapless dress, it was quite short too, the fabric ending just above my knees. The small pearls along the top half of my dress looked amazing, the white from the dress causing my skin to look darker then usual.

I throw myself on my bed and begin putting on my white stilettos, I can tell already these shoes will be the death of me.

I attempt to stand up in them and begin wobbling already, I should have practiced walking and standing in these ridiculous shoes.

The door bell rings and I stumble through my bed room trying to find my small bag to take with me, finding it under a pile of clothes I slowly and steadily walk out my door and towards the staircase. I can overhear my parents questioning Ed already.

“Are you sure you’re okay dropping her home so late Ed? I can pick her up mate”

My dad said in an easy going tone.

“No really sir it’s fine, It’s on my way home anyway.”

To make sure there were no other awkward questions from my parents I began to slowly make my decent down the stairs.


I could hear the thump her shoes made every time she took a step from upstairs, the thump started getting louder and I turned my head towards the sound.

Watching her float down the stairs was a very surreal moment, her legs looked like that went on forever and that dress…

I swallowed nervously and continued to watch her in awe, her silver eyelids moved from her shoes up to me showing me the green underneath.

Her hand gripped the hand rail tightly and she gave me a small smile, her parents began taking dozens of photos of her. She seems almost uncomfortable getting her photo taken, despite this she was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

I couldn’t help but feel she was supposed to walk pass me and up to some other boy, she can’t possibly be with me? 

Sure enough she takes my arm in hers and gives me a sweet smile.

The flashes and clicking sounds from her parent’s cameras seemed like they were from another world, I couldn’t look away from her.

I moved my head close to hers and whispered in her ear.

“You look…. breathtaking Loren”


I gripped his arm tightly and smiled at his compliment, I moved my eyes up and down his body and gave him a grin.

He was wearing a dark navy coloured suit with a white shirt and a long black tie, he looks ridiculously cute. I moved my lips to his ear and whispered.

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