Chapter 7

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Ok so I felt like I needed to change the title and the cover because well. I just wanted something new and improved. I hope you guys like it ok. Xx Teara

Starlyn's Point Of View

I woke up from the constant buzzing of my phone. I sat up with a smile on my face. Today is Calum and I's 9 month anniversary. I leaned across the bed picking up my phone. I had a missed call from Calum and 3 text messages. I opened the most recent. It read...

'Ok so since you aren't picking up your phone you are probably still asleep. You need to get up so we won't be late for school. I'm coming to pick you up in an hour. Love you and see you soon. xxx'

He had sent it 20 minutes ago. I dragged my lifeless body out of bed and to the bathroom. I flicked on the light and jumped at the sight of myself in the mirror.

I looked like a whale had given birth to a crazy monkey. My hair was everywhere, my make-up all over my face because I didn't bother to take it off. And somehow my shirt had gotten turned around so it was back wards.

It's a good thing no one slept with me last night, they might have not made it out alive. I striped down and hoped in the shower. The water felt so good, the water turned to freezing cold.

"Shit. CHANDLER, you dick." I screamed at my brother in the other room.

He was in year 10, two years younger then me.

"Yes," he said dragging out the e.

"How dare you go to the loo when you new I was in the shower." I said poking my head out of the shower curtain.

"Sorry sis." he said with a grin on his face before he closed the door.

I rolled my eyes and stepped back into the water that was starting to get warm. I finished showering and stepped out. I looked at the clock as I was drying my self off I had 20 minutes to get ready before Calum got here.

I quickly got dressed and started putting on my make up. I don't ever really do my hair because I don't like to and I like my natural hair. I only do my hair for special occasions.

Once I was done I grabbed my phone and headed upstairs. My bedroom was downstairs with my brothers and my dad's office and a small living room. Everything else was upstairs, the kitchen and some bedrooms and a bathroom.

I walked into the kitchen and put some toast into the toaster.

"Good moring love," my dad said kissing me on the top of my head.

"Morning where's mum?" I asked spreading vegimite on my toast.

"She had to leave early for a business trip she will be home in 3 days. And she also told me that it is someone's anniversary today. Congratulations sweet heart," he said sitting down at the table with his coffee.

"Oh by the way I will be home late I have a few meetings to attend to." He said looking up from his laptop.

I smiled at him. I heard the door bell ring. I ran to the front door and ripped it open. There he was standing with his hands behind his back.

"Happy anniversary babe," he said reveling the flowers from behind.

I ran jumped into his arms, he spun me around in circles. Once he set me back down I pecked his lips and led him inside.

"Let me get my bag and then we can head out." I said running up the stairs.

Calum's Point Of View

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