Chapter 16

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Michael's Point Of View

I crushed the phone in my hand and threw is across my room, and stormed out the door. My body was vibrating with anger, it was getting out of control. I slid down the wall trying to calm myself down, the only thing I could think of was that I have to kill him. I won't let him get away with this. But I need to talk to her about this first, I just can't believe that she would hold this inside of her. I can't imagine how alone she must have felt. Not anymore I will banish her pain by getting rid of him.

Once I gain my control back I stood up and headed back to the bedroom. I opened the door slowly so that I don't wake her, but I see that she is already up. Her legs pulled into her chest, resting her chin on her arm. She noticed me standing in the doorway. She smiled at me and I walked over to her, sitting down pulling her into my arms.

"I know about your dad." I said, and she pulled away.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" I asked.

She sighed and looked at her hands. "Beacause he would have killed you if I did. I was only protecting you and the boy's. I couldn't live with myself it anything happened to you and the boy's."

"I understnd, but you don't need to protect me, that it's my job to protect you. I will take care of all of this don't worry." I said pulling her back in my arms.

"You don't need to me and Star are taking care of it, what you need to do is act like you don't know anything, other wise he willl come. Just promise me that you won't do anything, we have this under control." she said looking up at me.

I am not going to stand around and do nothing, she will just have to not know. "Of course." I said kissig the top of her head.


It's been a week since I found out about Olympia and her dad, and nothing no texts no calls no nothing. I don't understand, maybe he has given up. We don't talk about it but it is always on my mind, I can't stop thinking about it, I want to do something but I don't know what to do.

"Hey Michael, I am going to go over to Calum's he wants to talk me about something. I will be back soon." Olympia said hopping down the stairs over to me. She leaned down and kissed me on the lips with more passion than there should be.

"I love you." she said looking me in the eye's.

"I love you too, see you when you get back." She smiled and walked to the front door. Turning around and waveing before she closed the door. I heard the car start and back out. I headed back up to my room, claspsing on the bed, looking up at the ciling. My head has been thinking so much, I have't noticed how tired I acually am. I closed my eye's and began to fall asleep.


Olympia's Point Of View

I didn't like lying to Michael but it had to be done, it was the only way to keep him out of this. When I pulled up to Star's driveway I sent her a text telling her I was here. She came running out the door with a big bag slung over her shoulder.

"Hey are you ready to do this?" she asked getting in the passenger seat.

"As ready as I will ever be." I said gripping the steering wheel.

"I will be right behind you if anything goes wrong." she said placing her hand on mine.

"Alright do it." she said handing me the phone.

'I'm ready' I sent it and we waited for the reply.

'You know where to meet me.' was all that it read.

My mom's grave. That's where he is talking about it has to be. I started the car and headed in that direction.


Micahel's Point Of View

I woke and looked at the time I had only been asleep for about an hour. I grabbed my phone and called Olympia to see how things were going, but she didn't answer, I called again and no answer. I called Calum next, it rang a few times before I heard him pick up.

"Hey mate what's up?" he asked

"Nothing I was just wondering what you and Olympia were up to?"

"Uh Olympia isn't here, is she spossed to be?"

"She said you wanted to talk to her, well thanks mate."

"Yea maybe she is with Star, I will text her and then head your way, with everyone else."

"Ok thanks." I said hanging up and putting my phone back on the bed side table.

Where could she be, I hope she is ok, she seemed a little uneasy before she left, what is going on. My phone vibrated and I picked it up.

'Star isn't picking up, do you know if they had anyting planed.' it read.

Oh god, she hasn't been getting anything from her dad this whole week and she said her and Star had it under control. I know what they are doing I have to find them. I picked up my phone and called Calum.

"Meet me at Star's I will explain when you get there, and hurry." was all I said before running out the door.




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