Chapter 20

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Olympia's Point Of View

I felt my body wake up, but I found it very difficult to open my eyes. I counld not reconize this strange clinical smell. I wonder what he is doing. I lay there not knowing where I am, I took a deep breath and slightly opened my eyes, only to shut them again because of the brightness that blinded me.

I lifted my arm to feel a sharp pain corse threw me. Re-lifting my arm slowly ignoring the pain, covering my eyes from the light. I slighly opened my eyes's once more. I moved my eye's around the room I am in. I lay in a bed with white sheets, the walls around me white, and white tile. White, that is all I see. This is not the room he keeps me in, where the hell am I? He must have moved me somewhere else, because this is not where he usually kept me. 

I opened my eyes all the way and started to sit up igoring the stike of pain going threw my whole body from head to toe. I sat up and saw that I was no longer in the house.

I looked to the right and saw a window the curtains slighly open showing that it was a that is was raining. But that is not what surprised me, the window is what surprised me, he never let me have any windows. I looked around the room and my eye's stopped on a lump in a chair at the side of my bed.

It can't be. Why is he here? How did he get past him? Where the hell am I? Then it all clicked, everything came back and hit me in the head like a brick. My dad was gone, finaly and I killed him but I never would have been able to with out him. Michael saved me. Again.


I don't know what time it is but I think it is mid afternoon. I have been here for aobut 5 day's, I think. I don't have much energy from the lack of food and water. It hurts to doing any kind of movement what so ever. Reseving beatings 4 times a day, and I have been raped 3 times that I have been here by that discusting man that helps him. I wanted to save myself but I guess that is out of the question now.

I haven't stopped thinking about Star, I want to know what happened to her. If she is ok. But I also can't get the guy's out of my mind, I hope they arn't stressing to much. I wish I could just see them one more time before... before I go, but that would be imposible. If I wouldn't have been so stupid to let him get to me none of this would have happened. I wish the tracker wouldn't have broke either. This whole damn thing is my fault. I guess I do deserve this, I have fucked up their lives so much.

~Next Day~

I woke up to hear wispering at my door, "you did it right? Good now they will go to the shack where you and the others will be waiting, kill all of them I don't care who is there, every single person must die. When you get back we will head to the cliff as planned and then you get your money. Would you like one more time with her. Shes good isn't she." I heard him wisper.

 I almost threw up at the words that came out of his mouth. I have to get out of here I can't let anyone die because of me, and I sure as hell won't let that man touch me ever again. 

I slammed my eye's shut when I heard the door unlock. Heny grabbed me from my bed and giving me the usual beating I have been getting every morning. He left me laying on the ground as usual. I sat myself up, not bothering to go back to my bed only to be dragged out of it again.

I was sitting there just sobbing when I heard a vibration come from some where. I looked up and around the room. My eye's fell on a little lump on the ground by the coner. He must have droped his phone when he was beating me.

I rushed over to it and picked it up, and dialed Michael's number. It rang a few times and then I heard a voice that I had not heard in what seemed like forever. 


"Michael don't come, it's a trap. Go to the..." I was about to tell to go to the cliff but the bedroom door slamed opened.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing you slut? How dare you disobey me." He yelled walking over to me and picking me up only to throw me across the room. I felt my body be hit the table that lay with glass in the middle. I heard it shatter and pices fall on me. Looking at the phone on the ground andt then at Henry, with what stregth I had I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Cliff go to the cliff." 

He looked at me and then at the phone on the ground, he picked it up and threw it against the wall and it shattered into pices making me jump.

"You are going to regret doing that you stupid whore." He said walking over to the broken glass picking up a pice and stabbing me in the leg, and then the side. I screamed out in pain as I held myside.

"But thank you for making me not have to find one of them. Makes my job esier." he hissed.

I lay on the cold wooden floor, holding my stomach trying to ease the pain that was spreading thew my body. "Next time I won't just kick you a little." he said into my ear before punching me once more, walking back to the door and slamming it shut locking me inside.

I crawled back over the coner of the room that had my make shift bed. I used what strength I had left to get me on the bed. I can't belive what I just did. I pretty much lead Michael to his death. He could have gotten away, now he is going to die. All because of me. Why am I such a fuck up. 

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