Chapter 17

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Olympia's Point Of View

We were about 10 blocks from the semitary. I stopped the car and turned it off, turing to Star.

"Ok, this is it. Wish me luck." I said smiling at her.

"I am right behind you." she said pulling me into a hug before hopping out of the car and grabbing the bag from the back seat.

She closed the door and waved. I started the car and headed to the semitary. I am not going to lie I am scared shitless but it has to be done he has to be stopped. I run over the plan one more time in my head. First I talk to him, let Star catch up and record what happens. I already know he is going to take me and Star know's too that is why I have a tracker that we inplanted in my bra. I don't know how long he is going to keep me or what he is going to do, all I know is not to give up.

I pulled up to the semitary and parked the car and took a breath before getting out and leaving the keys under the hood. I walked threw the gates and headed over to my mom's grave. When I reached it I knelt down and looked at the engraving.

"Hey mom, I miss you alot, but I guess I will proablably be seeing you soon." I said

"You got that right." a voice said behind me that sounded all to fimilar.

I stood up and turned around to see the man I have hoped I would never have to see again. But there he stood, tall and thin, black haired with dark black eyes. My father.

"Hello Olympia, looking ugly as always, your mother was so beautiful how could she make something so horrible." he spoke with bitterness.

"Actully your the one who made me so your the reason that I am like this." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Your not my real daughter, my daughter wouldn't have killed her mother." He said stepping closer.

I am not taking this anymore, I am done with him putting me down, making me feel like am crap, saying things that are not true. I am done with him.

I stepped closer to him and looked him straight in the eye. " I did not kill her, the cancer did, I was there for her, I loved her. I am done with all your shit, you can't control me anymore, so just leave me alone, don't come near me, don't contact me, don't even think about me. Good bye Henry, I won't miss you." and with that I walked away.

I was about to exit the semitary, when I felt a sharp pain go threw my head and a scream before I blacked out.


Michael's Point Of View

"OK spill where are the girls?" Calum said getting out of the car followed by Luke and Ashton.

"There isn't a whole lot of time to explain but basicly, Olympia's dad got into contact with her and he has been sending threats and insults and more, I found out about a week ago, and since then it has been silent. It's a long shot but I think Olympia has gone to meet with him. When I found out I wanted to kill the guy, but I talked to Olympia first and she said that her and Star have it all under control, I don't know if this has do with them both being gone and not picking up their phones, but I have a pretty bad feeling about it." I said out of breath by the end.

I am freaking out, I don't know what to do or where to look. "Ok well where would they go to meet?" Ashton asked crossing his arms thinking.

"I don't know that's the thing, maybe Star knows but we can't get a hold of her either." I said scraching the back of my neck.

We sat there in silence think and walking around, trying to come up with a solution, when it clicked the one place that came to mind, the one place Olympia feels safe, wait but that would be two places.

"Come on I think I know where they might be." I said jumpping back in my car, Luke jumping in the next seat.

Calum pulled up next to me and I rolled down the window.

"You go to the cliff we will meet you there." I said before speeding off in the direction of the place where her mom lies. The cliff and the seimtary are the two places she has told me about, I can't think of anywhere elese, it's a long shot but I am willing to do anything at this point I can't loose her.

My hands were gripping the steering wheel so tightly that my nuckles are turning white. "Hey it's going to be ok we will find her and Star." Luke said placing his hand on my shoulder.

I know that he is just trying to calm me down, but that isn't going to happen. I know that I need to calm down so I can focus, that way I won't be distracted. I pulled into the semitary driving around when I saw the car I parked right next to it and jumped out running of to the drivers side the door was locked but I knew that she kept the keys under the hood, because that is what I told her to do.

I walked around and got the keys and unlocked the door looking inside for anything that could help. My eyes scaned the drivers side while Luke looked in the passenger side. "Anything?" I asked looking at him. He shook his head but contuined to look around.

I was about to close the door when I saw her phone peeking out of the bottom of the car. I quickly grabbed it and opened it. I went to the messages, seeing the most recent. I saw that there was a conversation with a unknown number. The message read I'm ready, and it replied with a you know where to meet me. I passed the phone to Luke. This can only mean one thing she planed this, why would she want to see him, this can't be apart of the plan he will hurt her, what was she thinking.

I slamed the door shut anger coursing thew my vains, almost like I was vibrating with anger. I ran my hands threw my hair trying to calm down, I looked over to the fence and knew what I had to do, I ran into the graveyard. I don't know where her moms grave is so I just start running all over the place. It had rained a little bit not to long ago and there was mud. I saw foot prints head towards a fenced in part with graves in it. I walked in and looked at the engravings. In the back coner I saw the same last name. James, this must be her mom. I stood there staring.

"Please, Mrs. James help me out, I don't know what to do can you give me a sign of some sort. Anything, I need her I can not live without your daughter she means everything to me. Please just give me something." I said tears forming in my eyes.

As I stood there, I felt the wind pick up, making the leaves roll over in the direction to a different exit out of the fenced area. I followed the leaves and they led me in a different direction. After I walked out I tuned around to look at the grave onece more, when I did I saw a glossy figure standing by the grave, she was beautiful, she looked a lot like Olympia. She had a faint smile, half her face covered with her long hair. Olympia's mom, she was gorgeous just like her daughter.

I mouthed a thank you and she nodded just before I turned around and started running once more. I came around the coner and saw another exit to the parking lot. I was about to run threw it when I looked down and saw a pressed figure in the mud with many foot prints around it. I looked around, when my eyes landed on a big rock with a red on the end.

My eyes widdend and I ran over to the rock picking it up. My hands grew wet and I looked down, seeing them coated in blood. Oh no, this can't be her's it can't be. I ran threw the gates and back over to the car, where Luke was stading on the phone.

"Luke," I said running up to him handing him the rock. He eyes grew big. "Yea I am still here, yea I will tell him ok see you back at the house." He said hanging up and looking back at the rock. "Cal said there wasn't anything at the cliff no cars or people. We need to take this in and reaport a kidnapp." He said.

"Right lets go." I said grabbing the rock from him and walking back to the car. I opened the back door and grabbed a plastic bag slipping the rock insde. I got in the drivers seat and headed to the police station.

I can't belive I let this happen. I was supposed to protect her, it's all my fault that this happened, I let my guard down. "Everything is going to be ok mate, don't worry we will find her, and Star." Luke said, I nodded and came to a stop at the stop sign.

"STOP" Luke shouted and I slamed on the brakes just before I ran over the girl who was right infront of the car. Her hands planted on the hood, her head down, breathing heavily, her hair was knotted and had a sticky red substance in it. She looked up and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Star. 

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