Chapter 19

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Calum's Point Of View

I couldn't control myself, my body was vibrating with anger. My hands were trembling. Running my hands threw my hair, tugging on it. I rest my hands on the table next to me for balance, but the next thing I know its upside-down glass all over the ground. My fist collided with the glass of the tv screen. I scream at the top of my lungs.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Calum mate clam down." I heard Luke walk in and hold my arms down.

I push him away, I feel the hot tears stinging my cheeks. I laid my hand on the wall and then let my body collapse to the ground, my back against the wall.

"How could I let this happen? How dare he even touch her, I swear when I find him I am going to kill him, make him wish like he was never born. Make him wish that he never laid a finger on either one of them. It was all my fault she got hurt. I wasn't even there to protect her, Olympia either. This is all my fault." I said at the ground my tears falling and making a puddle on the wooden floor of the flat.

"No, no mate none of this was your fault, you had no control over the situation. It is all over now, the only thing you need to worry about it, taking care of Star. Ok, everything will be all right." Luke said sitting next to me. I nodded but didn't look up.

"It's kinda funny you and Michael both kinda went crazy. I just came from his place, it was trashed, all most as bad as yours." He said.

We sat there for a few minutes no words exchanged, just silence as I calmed down.

"Do you know if Star is awake?" I asked looking at Luke, and he smiled.

"I don't know but I will take you to see her, come on." He said standing up and holding out his hand.

I took it and he helped me up and I looked around at the mess. I am going to be in so much trouble. We walked out to his car and headed to the hospital.

"Hi what room is Starlyn Buckner in?" I asked walking up to the front desk. "Room 209, take a left when you get out of the elevator," she said, and I nodded. 

We walked to her door and as soon as I saw it, I opened and saw her parents, Ashton and Michael all sitting around. I looked at Star to see her fast asleep, but bandages on her face and arms and legs. She looked so broken, how could I let this happen. I went and sat down in the chair next to her bed. I grabbed her hand in mine. 

"I promise I will take care of you, I will never leave you, or let anyone hurt you ever again. I promise Star." I kissed her hand and then stood up and kisser forehead. I walked up to Michael and he looked up at me sadness in his eyes, but they were also full of fear. 

I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug and squeezed tight. He hugged back squeezing me. "We will find her, and we can kill him together." I whispered in his ear. I felt him nod and then I let go.

"So now we wait." I said and they all nodded. 

"Would anyone like anything from the mess hall?" Mrs. Buckner asked. We all shook our heads and then she left to go and get coffee most likely.

We have been sitting here for about an hour and a half, and she has been mumbling things and moving around in her bed. I had my head in my hands when Luke nudged me. I looked up and saw her eyes's open. I stood up and ran to her pulling her into my arms, and the boy's followed after, pilling onto of us. I felt her cringe in pain and jumped and let go to see her face blank with a hit of happiness and a little pain. I smiled at her and leaned down to kiss her on the head. She smiled at me but I can tell it wasn't real.



Michael's Point Of View

6 days, and 15 hours. That is how long she has been gone. 6 days and 15 hours without her in my arms. I miss her so much. When we found Star she could barley speak she was so scared, but when we got to the station, and we calmed her down and then she spilled, everything.

How they planed this whole thing, to meet up with her dad and make everything stop. How they planed that just in case that something went wrong they planted a tracker in Olympia's bra, but Star said that we they were hurting her it broke. Star said when Olympia started yelling at her dad that everything happened so quickly she didn't have time to react. Star watched Olympia walk away and when she was just about out the gate Star looked back and saw Henry run to Olympia and hit her on the head, and she watched her fall to the ground. He kept on kicking Olympia while she was unconscious. What a coward, but more cowardly to hurt her while she was not even conscious. She screamed out Olympia's name and charged out of her hiding spot trying to stop Henry from hurting her, but some man grabbed her and threw her on the ground and beat her and in the commotion of it all, Henry got them to stop by pointing the gun at Olympia. She agreed to go with them, and the guy hit Star again, she pretended to be out, so they would stop.  

Calum was going mad when he found this out, he flipped shit, litterly flipped a table and destroyed the living room. Luke said he had never seen him so angry, so upset. I felt terrible for him and Star, but at the same time I couldn't keep my anger level down about Henry. I got a little carried away and threw a fit but I try not to think about that.

6 day's and 16 hours without her.


I walked into the station once again this week. I come everyday to see if they have heard anything, found anything. So far nothing, and each day I find myself getting more and more impatient. It seems as if they think that something is going to come to them, they need to be looking for things not sitting on their asses and look. 

"Hello Mr. Clifford, Sheriff Dublin is out, anything I can do for you." Lidia asked me smiling at me. I have talked to her quite a bit because I come down here so often. She is a sweet lady and I enjoy our conversations whenever I have to wait for the sheriff.

"Have you heard anything, anything at all?" I asked looking up at her hopping that she has some news.

She looked around as if to see if the room was completely empty which it was. "Dublin got an anonymous tip, late last night when he was leaving the station," she said leaning over the desk. My eye's grew wide. 

"Can you tell me anything else, please Lidia I need to know." I said looking her in the eyes.

She sighed and leaned back looking under the counter and pulled out a bag that held a paper in it.

"I could get fired for this but, this is the address that was given to Dublin, they are setting up as we speak." I looked at it and saw a really familiar address, but I can't remember who it belongs to. 

"I need to go there, before the sheriff gets there, to deal with that bastard." I said tuning around and heading out the door. 

"Mr. Clifford, no you can't we don't know what is going on there, they could be dangerous, they could hurt you." She yelled.

"They already took the one and only thing that could hurt me. She is the only thing that matters, they can't hurt me." I said before walking out and running over to my car.

I sped around remembering the directions to the address. My phone started buzzing in the seat next to me. 


"Michael, don't come, it's a trap, go to the…"

"What the fuck do you think you are doing you slut. How dare you disobey me."

I heard screams and glass break.

"Cliff go to the cliff," she screamed in pain and the line went dead.

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