Chapter 22

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Michael's Point Of View Present Day

Why hasn't she woken up yet? I want her to come back to me. Sitting in her room in a chair next to her bed, not being able to move much because of the gun shot wound. That does not matter to me though, what matters now is that she wakes up so that I can hold her and kiss her. I have missed her so much, she is so close but so far away.

"Please Olympia come back to me." I spoke below a whisper.

I have been sitting in this chair for so long, I am so tired but I want to be here when she wakes up. Maybe if I just close my eye's for a few minutes I can gain a little more strength, that way I will be more energized when she wakes up. Yea I will do that, I slowly let the lids of my eye's droop till they were completely closed and my mind slowed down letting me drift into a deep sleep.

"Michael. Please wake up." I heard in a small whisper.

I kept hearing those 4 words over and over again, like a never ending alarm. I groaned and slowly began to open my eye's. When my vision cleared my heart stopped.

She was awake, finally. I wanted to run and swallow her in my arms and tell her to never leave me ever again, but I couldn't. If I did she would die.

I don't know who this guy was, but he held the very thing that kept me from falling apart. I looked into Olympia's eye's filled with fear and sadness. I saw the tears creeping up about ready to pour out of her, but she help them in, how I have no idea.

"Please just let her go, I will give you what ever you want. Please just don't hurt her. Just put down the gun," I spoke with as much persuasion as I could.

"What I want you cannot give." He said not moving the gun from her head.

"I can and I will just please I beg of you." I said standing up and putting my hands up.

"You cannot give me the money I was promised. You cannot give me back my wife and son. You cannot give back the only brother I had. You cannot give me this little bitch's life," he spoke with venom.

"Who are you?" I ask trying to get him distracted.

"Who am I? My name does not matter because you will never have the time to look it up, but since I am feeling generous I will give her life a few more minutes. You see I was Henry's partner and older brother. But he was taken from me along with my wife and son. Henry promised me loads of money but since he is now gone, along with everyone else that I cared about, I have nothing. So to answer your question I am no one, I don't have any plans in the future or goals the only thing I wish is to fulfill is to do the one thing my brother wished and then meet him wherever he has gone, thanks to this slut." He said digging the gun into her head.

"If you are my dad's brother than you are my uncle, and you... you raped me." Olympia spoke with disgust.

"And your point," he said, and I felt my blood begin to boil inside my body.

"You are a filthy pig is what you are." I spat at him.

"Eh I don't really care at this point, the job is almost done. He said grinning down at Olympia.

"I can't believe my mother married a man that had such an insane family. You discus me all of you and who ever is in my dad's family. I am happy that he is gone, and you rapping me, your own blood what is wrong with you, you are almost as bad as he was if not worse." Olympia spoke with rage deep in her voice.

"I don't care what you have to say, I will soon be reunited with my family once more and live to be happy," he said gesturing to the ceiling.

"You don't deserve to be with them, you belong in hell all alone." Olympia spat at him, moving her head away from the gun.

It all happened so quick but as soon as I saw his finger pull the trigger and her head fall I ran to her side holding her in my arms. This cannot have happened I just got her back, she can't be gone.

"No no no Olympia wake up. Please wake up. Come back to me. You can't die. No no no." I cried out holding her lifeless body in my arms.

I let out a scream from the pain in my chest, my heart felt as if it was breaking, tearing into two pieces. I can't live without her. I just got her back I can't let her slip threw my fingers that quickly. No, she will wake up. She has to.

I kept my eye's that were starting to blur from the tears on Olympia's pale face, her eye's glossed over, the life draining from her.

Then she was gone. Forever, I didn't even get to say goodbye, I wish I could trade places with her, she deserves to live. I just want her to come back, but she can't and now she is gone.

"You are all pathetic, it is horrid to watch. Glad I am done with my job." I heard him speak and then another gun shot, then everything stopped.

"Michael. Michael, wake up, damn it Michael wake the fuck up." I head someone shouting and my body being shaken.

My eye's shot open and their she stood hunched over her face inches from mine. But that is impossible, we were just there a second ago, she was dead and the man. I looked over to where the man's body should have been but there was nothing there. I looked back to her face, worry written all over it. She isn't gone, she is alive and right in front of me.

I stood up and pulled her into my arm's, my face nuzzled into her neck. Hot tears streaming out of my eye's. I gripped onto her tightly not wanting anyone or anything to take her away from me. She belonged to me and nothing will ever happen to her again.

"Shh it's ok, it was just a bad dream. I am right here, nothing is going to happen." she wispered.

I pulled out of here grip and looked into her eye's, Its time that I tell her. "I am so sorry Olympia, I let all of this happen, I can't even explain how worried, angry, and torn I have been. The day you left and didn't come back, all the memories that we have made went through my head that night, from the day that I met you, broken and alone, I felt your pain just in a different way, I was so messed up before you came, depressed and upset because of everything that had happened, but as soon as I held you in my arms, everything seemed to be lifted into the air. Nothing really mattered any more I let my past go and focused on my mates, my mum, and you. Nothing else mattered. Everyday you were there, you were saving me, without even knowing it. You say that I saved but you saved me, we saved each other I worried my self sick, I never stopped thinking about you, I went to the station everyday the day I found out about the tip, nothing else mattered, nothing could tear me down, nothing could hurt me, the one thing that could hurt was already taken from my grasp, and I promised my self I would not stop until I got it back. Until I got you back. Olympia, you mean everything to me, I will go to the moon and back just to have you. I love you Olympia," the last 4 words slipped out of my mouth.

I looked back up to her eye's tears pouring out of them, her hands over her mouth, her breath shaky. She shook her head and then grabbed my face in between her hands and pulled her lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer. I felt the tears from her face rub onto mine. I missed her lips so much that I didn't want to ever detach them but I need to breathe.

I pulled away, resting my head on her's, breathing heavily. "Michael?" she said looking at her feet. "I love you to. I have for a while, I just didn't think you felt the same but I guess you did," she said looking up into my eye's and smile.

"You have got me wrapped around that little finger of your's." I smiled and attached her lips to mine again. I smiled into the kiss, I finally got her and I am never letting her go. 


Holy shit guys 897 reads. That is amazing. Thank you so fucking much. I didn't even think I would get like 2 hundred. Thank you so much lovies.

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