Chapter 10

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Ashton's Point Of View

I had just left Luke's house from figuring out stuff for next friday's gig. Melody texted me and I was on my way to meet her. I was so excited but nervous at the same time. I asked her if she wanted to go to the ice rink in town. She said that was good. She told me that she was going to head home and change and for me to pick her up in 30 minutes.

I drove home and changed into some better clothes, as I was in a pair of sweats and an old t-shirt. I took a quick shower and changed. I walked out the door, and checked my phone for the address she texted me. 1917 Montgomery Dr. Montgomery is the street with the two story house with a big porch in the front. I have always wondered who lived there. I guess I can just ask her.

Melody's Point Of View

I have been so busy with work, school and home stuff this whole week it's insane. I am home schooled, since year 9. My parents couldn't afford it, and I didn't want to be the new kid so they just let me do online schooling. I wanted to do things, like go places and shopping and stuff so I had to find a way to make money, that's when I decided to get the job at the pizza parlor. But I also work at the animal shelter, and a coffee shop. I also have to take care of my little brother because my parents work so much

Through this busy week one thing never left my mind. That guy I served at the pizza parlor. Ashton I think it was. He was really cute, but I was so busy I couldn't even send him a text or anything.

When I picked up the receipt, I fell out of my hands and hit the ground, I saw writing on the back. A name and number. I immediately put it in my contacts and scratched out the writing. Not because I didn't want anyone else to get his number but because for safety reasons. Ok maybe I wanted to keep it to myself. Don't judge me.

Anyway, I actually had a free day today, so I texted him, I am not going to lie I was nervous, but I also wasn't expecting a text back. But to my surprise he replied immediately. He said he was going to take me to go skating at the ice rink.

I was currently getting ready. I slipped on my favorite skinny jeans. They were red with holes in the knees, and small rips on the thighs. I let my white tank top shirt fall onto my body. I walked back into my bathroom and began to blow dry my hair. Once that was done applied my makeup.

I was sliding on my shoes when I herd the door bell ring. I tied my jacket around my waist and walked back into the bathroom taking one last look in the mirror, before heading down stairs.

Ashton's Point Of View

I pulled onto her street and looked at the house numbers, 1913, 1915, 1917. No way, she lives in the house. I have always liked the look of this house, I was quite jealous of who ever got to live there. Well, I guess I don't have to ask her now.

I pulled up to her house and turned off the ignition. I got out and walked up the porch steps and knocked on the front door. I heard dogs barking and someone shout something. The door opened to a young boy holding a dog back by the collar.

"You must be Melody's boyfriend, here come inside," the boy said gesturing for me to enter.

"He's not my boyfriend," a voice came from behind.

I turned around and saw Melody, her hair long brown bouncing as she walked down the stairs, dressed in a pair of red skinny jeans and a white top that shows off her dark glowing skin. She looked beautiful.

"Hey Ashton, this is my brother Jackson," she said walking up to me and giving me a hug.

I hugged her back, she smelled of strawberries. We pulled apart and she bent down petting the dog.

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