• What He Hates About You || Bucky Barnes •

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A/N: so, I wanted to try out doing all his other characters and whatnot. also, the video has absolutely nothing to do with the story, it just made me tear up owo.
Warning: swearing
It had not been easy for Bucky after HYDRA. He's tired of people being afraid of him, so he normally drinks out his problems. It's been hard on you, too, seeing Bucky like this. It's been even harder trying to find the perfect moment to tell him that you like him...

You decided that it's been long enough; you have to tell him. It's now or never. You went to his room; where he normally drinks. "Hey, Buck. Can I talk to you" you asked him from the doorway. "Now's not a good time, Y/N." he said, completely annoyed with me. "Please? It'll be quick, I promise.." you begged and sat on his bed.

"Hurry, then. What is it?" he asked, annoyed. This was drunk Bucky, of course. Even if he probably won't remember it tomorrow, you decided to tell him, anyways, since you needed to get it off your chest.

"I- I, um.." you started but couldn't finish. This was way harder than you thought. "Spit it out, Y/N! I don't have all day." he said.

"I LOVE YOU BUCKY!" I yelled out. Yes, I love him, not just like him. "Lovely, now can I get back to what I was doing?" he said referring to his beer.

Sober Bucky wouldn't do this, or say this. "That's it, Bucky? I need something more than that!" I said. Now it was my turn to be annoyed. "What, do you expect me to say it back? Lying isn't quite nice" he said while rolling his eyes.

"I've had enough! Do you even realize what you're doing to yourself? Look, I get it, right now is... tough. But we could get through it to-" he cut me off. "Cut the bullshit. I've had enough, too. Do you wanna know why I don't love you back? It's because I hate you!" he yelled.

You knew this was just the liquor talking, but you couldn't help but ask, "Why..?" you asked so quietly, you didn't even think he could hear you.

"Oh, where do I start? It's just that you're so inconsiderate, you always think you're right, you think the world revolves around you, and lastly, you're never there for me, especially when I need you the most!" he said. You were crying at what Bucky had just told you. "And how pathetic of me to think that maybe, you loved me back..." you said and walked out of his room, closing the door and walking to Natasha's room.

~Bucky's P.O.V~
She walked out of my room in tears, the last thing I would've ever anticipated to happen. Why didn't I just tell her that I loved her back? Replaying her words in my head didn't help at all... She was practically saying that she's be there the whole time, we'd go through this together, but I screwed it up! And my drinking problem, that's the worse one of all. If I weren't such a damn alcoholic, Y/N would be my girlfriend right now!

~Y/N's P.O.V~
After telling Natasha what happened, whilst still crying, it took so much for her not to break through Bucky's door and beat the shit out of him. After our long talk, I went to the kitchen to make myself some tea, one of the only things that relaxes me at a time like this. I walked to the kitchen with my head down low, afraid of the other avengers seeing the tears in my eyes, my puffy eyes, and just me in general. As I waited for my tea to finish boiling, I sat down, put my face in my my hands and cried even more. I was crying and sobbing so much that I didn't even realize the footsteps approaching me. "Y/N..." the voice said and hugged me. I hugged him back, crying into his chest. "Steve..." I said, "H- He doesn't love me, he hates me more than anything!" I sobbed. He didn't do anything but hold me tighter. Somebody else came to my other side and hugged me. I could recognize that hug anywhere... "Bucky..." I whispered. "Can we talk? Please?" he said in a calming voice. I looked up at Steve and he nodded, knowing I was asking him for advice.

Bucky held my hand and guided me to his room. He shut the door, "Sit down, please." he said and I obeyed, cautiously. I could already feel my eyes tearing up, just as Bucky sat down, one escaped. He gently put his hand up to my face, wiping the tear. "I'm so sorry, Y/N... I- I was drunk, I didn't know what I was thinking! I'm- I'm sorry..." he removed his hand from my face, a tear escaping his watery eyes, too. This was the first time I've ever seen Bucky cry, which meant he felt more than guilty. "I- I don't hate you, and all those things I said, they're not true! I love you, Y/N" he said, sniffing. I leaned in for a kiss, catching him by surprise at first, but shortly becoming the most passionate kiss I've ever had. We both pulled away to catch our breath, but he said something that made me tear up, "I've quit drinking, I'm sober. For you. Because, you're right. I didn't realize what I was doing to myself, but now, I do. And now, I want to become sober, for you. We can do it together, like you said." he smiled. Happy tears.

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