• All Over Him || Sebastian Stan •

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a/n: god, he's absolutely perfect. especially in the photo above, you can see all the flaws he doesn't have. anyways, please ignore grammatical errors and whatnot, i've gotten 2 hours of sleep and i'm exausted lmao. anywho, on with the story.
Y/N Y/L/N. Former actress, vlogger, and girlfriend of Sebastian Stan. Some days, she woke up to the sight of Sebassie, pinching herself to make sure it was real. He truly is a blessing. You and your boyfriend, Sebastian, have recently both been in 'Avengers: Endgame', so of course, you both attended the premiere; together.

At the Premiere
You guys arrive, instantly being blinded by the flashing lights of photographers. He helped you out of the limo and held your hand as you walked down the carpet. (not quite sure exactly how it works so don't judge me lmao) A reporter instantly walked up to you and Sebastian backed away a little, mouthing an "I'll see you in a bit" to you. You smiled at him and started answering questions for the reporter. Once you finished, you began walking towards Sebastian. You backed off a bit as you saw he was talking to a female reporter. You listened to their conversation as people took pictures of you. "You look good, Sebastian!" the reporter said flirtatiously, causing you to look over. You saw Sebastian smile and slightly blush, "You look good, too!" Sebastian said, smiling at the reporter. You tried to keep smiling as people continued to take photos of you. Chris Evans began walking up to you with Scarlett by his side. You tried to talk to them whilst still listening to Sebastian and the reporter 'flirt'. You heard the reporter say, "Wow! Look at your biceps," she said, touching them up and down. Sebastian chuckled. "They look really good." she continued, smirking at him. Chris heard the reporter, too, and looked at what you were angrily looking at. Scarlett caught on. The 3 of you watched the two of them flirting back and forth for what felt like forever. You couldn't take it anymore, you grabbed Sebastian's arm and harshly yanked him away. "What's your deal?!" he said, causing some people to stare. "What's my deal? Sorry, I wasn't the one flirting with a reporter whilst I still had a boyfriend!" you snapped at him. He rolled his eyes. "So you're the only girl I can talk to?" He said, annoyed with my behaviour. "You're acting like a child, grow up a little!" he said, walking away. Scarlett and Chris instantly ran up to you as your eyes started to water, hiding you from the photographers taking pictures of you.

You and Seb had to sit next to one another. He once tried grabbing your hand to apologize, but you quickly pulled away. Thankfully, you were sitting next to Scarlett who was helping you calm down a bit. When the movie finally ended, you rushed to the limo, Sebastian following closely behind you. Once you got into the car, you cried silently, hiding your face from Sebastian. Of course, he noticed. He wrapped an arm around you. "Don't touch me" you warned. "I'm sorry, Y/N.." he said, quietly. "Do you even know what you did?" I asked, my voice cracking a bit. He didn't reply. Great, you thought.

Sebastian's P.O.V
"Two days. She hasn't talked to me for two days!" I complained to Anthony and Chris. "Then do something, dumbass." Anthony said, not knowing why she was upset. "You know what you did, fix it." Chris said whilst giving me the death stare. Not going to lie, I was quite intimidated by Chris. I thought for a second, then had the perfect idea. (seb, chris, and anthony weren't on set, they were at a restaurant for lunch) I got up from the table, throwing some money on the table for the food I bought. "Where are you going?" Anthony asked. "To get my girl back" I replied, speed walking towards the exit. "That's my boy!" Chris said, chanting.

I arrived at the house both Y/N and I shared, carrying dozens of bags in my hands. (just pretend i added his shopping journey lmao) I had to hurry before Y/N gets home. Currently, she was on set filming for her new movie. I wrapped the necklace and ring I bought for her, then put the rest of the gifts neatly into a basket. I hurried to the backyard, then setup the surprise. I grabbed Y/N's favourite stuffed animal, which happens to be the first thing I bought her when we started dating. Lastly, I wrote a long, heartfelt note for her on a sheet of paper.

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